Military Brides

Wedding Nightmares

I can't say this was my first, since I had a weird dream about 6 months ago (before we were engaged) about being dressed in a white bedsheet like a toga and wearing cowboy boots for my wedding.... but this was definitely the most disasterous!

So in my dream... our venue was blown up by a bomb.  It wasn't our real venue, but in my dream it was where we were supposed to get married.  We were on top of the building getting things ready (sorta like a rehearsal, but it was the same day as the wedding), and it started swaying, so we all jumped to a nearby building and watched it fall behind us.  So we knew we had to get married somewhere else, and one of the people we were with suggested their house. 

Then I forgot to do my hair, so it was greasy and messy and had bits of the blown up building in it.  And I forgot my shoes, so I was going to walk down the aisle barefoot.  And the florist forgot the day, so we had no flowers.  And FI's whole family was missing, so we were holding up the wedding while my brother ran back to try to find my shoes and waiting for FI's family.  Meanwhile, our photographers show up and say, "Sorry we missed the ceremony."  And I told them that they hadn't missed the ceremony, that we hadn't stated yet.  And they told me that my marriage license said I had to get married by 5 o'clock or else it was invalid, so I was going to start without my shoes, flowers, hair done, or my brother, who still hadn't come back.  And then we realize my FI was missing.  And I just kept mumbling, "No, he wouldn't run away.  He promised me that he'd be there, that he wouldn't leave me at the alter.  He would never leave me at the alter."  And so our photographers went looking for him, and then he shows up and my brother shows up with my shoes (which don't fit, of course, so I'm still going barefoot). So we decided to start the ceremony anyway.

So the ceremony itself wasn't clear in my dream, but I remember walking around afterwards in a torn dress with messy hair and no shoes with no flowers anywhere, just plain rented tables shoved into this random skinny house's kitchen and on the stairs and in the bathroom, and I was thinking we should have eloped to Costa Rica.  And I kept thinking that at least we saved a lot of money since I was going to sue all my vendors that failed to do their jobs.  Maybe it's a (very elaborate) sign?

The funny thing is that planning hasn't been stressful at all so far!  A very small bit of family drama on my side, and it's already been cleared up.  And FI doesn't care if no one on his family comes (well, his Dad needs to be there, but he wouldn't miss it for the world). 

Anyone else have wedding nightmares?  Let's hear 'em!



Re: Wedding Nightmares

  • edited December 2011
    I had a dream a few months back that his biological mother tried to crash our reception. After dispatching my two brothers to peacefully essort her out of the building she was causing a scene. I gracefully bow out of a converstation with his super sweet step mother to solve the problem myself

    i calmly walk over to this woman and tell her that she has 10 seconds to shut it and walk back out the door. I would not have her ruinning my mate's day. After I reached 10 I punch her square on the jaw, and everyone around me agrees that it was self defense when the police arrest her for trespassing. 
  • edited December 2011
    C!! What did you eat or drink last night before bed?! That was too funny!!

    And I'm sure it's not a sign or anything.
  • edited December 2011
    Haha wow that's crazy!  Let me just say from experience that your wedding nightmares won't come true!  I had a couple of them at random times before my wedding and everything turned out fine.  Calindi-maybe your sub conscious thinks you should be more stressed and so is trying to freak you out in your sleep. lol
  • DoubleE2012DoubleE2012 member
    edited December 2011
    Hahaha those are too funny. The only one I've had so far is I wake up SUPER late on the day of the wedding and my mom, all my BMs and my MIL went to the salon and got ready without me. So I show  up at the place we are having our ceremony (which isn't even the real place) And my hair isn't done, I have no make up on and I can't find my veil. Everyone else looks gorgeous and I'm a mess hahaha.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    That's too funny! I used to have them when planning a wedding. Things like my dress was ruined, people weren't enjoying, FI wasn't there, etc. Some girls get them frequently, but I only got them a few times and they stopped a few months before the wedding. 
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