Military Brides

Anyone get tired of planning?

I'm afraid I am the very opposite of a bridezilla.  I'm just like cool whatever.  Are we married yet? 

It wasn't always like this.  I did start off with a bang.  I got the venue, photographer, florist, and my dress like quick.   And now. . . I can't focus on the details. 

I even told my FI that I was taking 2 months off.  He is now taking over the invitations and the reception in Washington (we're having 2 receptions.)

Did anyone else get like this and how do you shake it?

Re: Anyone get tired of planning?

  • edited December 2011
    YAY WASHINGTON! haha ok got that out... again...

    Yeah I totally go up and down up and down... I tend to get too excited, want to do too many projects at once and then I  burn and don't get any of it done. Like right now, I want to finish my card box, but Idk what do add to it, and want to handstitch our parents handkerchiefs.. and have this idea for a guest book... and...and...and.. />_<  It's too much!!! So instead I'm laying on my couch in Pjs at 140pm talking to you guys :) :P

    Write out a list based on when you want things due by.. that will give you more motivation.
  • edited December 2011
    I Loved doing all my planning. Maybe make a checklist (I didn't use TK's checklist because it just didn't suit our needs), or decide what details you "have" to have and what you can live without..

    If you think you need a break and you have the time, Go for it!!

    ETA: I second FTL's Yay for Washington!!!!!
  • SJnTimmySJnTimmy member
    edited December 2011
    Lists. . I usually love lists.  FI calls them my first love.  But I wanna eat my apple and tell these people how stupid they are (I'm at work & people are extra stupid today).

    I'm going to fly into Seattle next month.  My FI is from a small town about an hour from there and I've never met his mother and sister so I'm going there (by myself!) for a few days on the way home from Oahu.  I'm kinda scared, but really excited about going to Washington. My sister lived in Tacoma for a few years and I never got to go and she always talks about how beautiful it is there.  Plus, it'll only be 70 degrees which is so nice. and thennnn in December, we're going to go right after the wedding and and they'll be SNOW.  . real snow too. Not that fake melting poopy crap we get.. . Okay, I'm done now. Haha.
  • edited December 2011
    small town north or south? just curious if you'll be close to me.:P we're abotu an hour north of seattle.

    umm.. Don't get your hopes up. We don't always get snow here. This year we had a random week in Nov, a week in Dec, and  a week in Jan/feb that we got hit hard with snow (we were snowed in for a week and FI's work was PISSED to have to change the flight schedule all over the place for the guys that COULD make it in) Last year, though, we had one evening with about an hour of wet snow (ie, melted immediately upon hitting the ground) and that was it.
    Hope that doesn't bum you out.. lol

    yeah I'm a list person too.. I get out of the wedding mode when I feel overwhelmed with all the crap I want to DIY.. Like rightnow... Definitely should have gone to the craft store like... two hours ago. fail.
  • edited December 2011
    Umm... not to burst your bubble or anything, but where in WA is your reception? We got snow the day we got married, but not alot. We were married in Union, 45 mins south of the Bremerton/Kitsap area (you said your FI is a sub guy right?) It snows alot in the mountains, but not so much near the water. Even when I was stationed in WA (Oak Harbor), we only got snow once last year. We went to Leavenworth for our HM, and it snowed every day there!! I'm just giving you a heads up, I wouldn't want you to be super dissapointed. It is beautiful in WA though!!
  • edited December 2011
    Hahaha.. FTL, we are twins. I love that we think alike!!
  • edited December 2011
    <3 youuuuu :)
  • SJnTimmySJnTimmy member
    edited December 2011
    Ugh. But I WANT SNOW!  Can you please make it snow?  I want to build a snowman.

    Okay.  I might survive without snow.

    He is from the base of Mount Rainer.  I'm not sure if that is north or south, but maybe that helps.  And I know they are like 2 hours from Bangor (the sub base there).
  • edited December 2011
    aw, you're down south. yeeeeeaaahhh I wish you luck with the snow aspect.. I mean.. the MOUNTAINS will have a TON and that will be beautiful! But, as far as you go... maybe.. .and honestly, the counties are HORRIBLE about clearing roads, so it may be better for you travel wise if we don't get hit. :P But again, every year is seriously different. three years ago I lived in Stanwood (about 45 min north of Seattle) and no joke we had three feet. I was stuck for three weeks (over Christmas break) with a bursted pipe and no electricity for a week. WA is not prepared well for snow lol!
  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Honestly, there were a few times that I got tired of planning too. I planned the wedding for a whole year, so there were times when I just got tired and didn't do anything for days or a couple of weeks especially towards the end. H had to bug me to get stuff done! lol 

    And another Yay for Washington! H is from there and we'll probably settle down there in the future!
  • SJnTimmySJnTimmy member
    edited December 2011
    Washington is just the place to be!  :)
  • edited December 2011
    I Love the Bangor base!! The people there are super friendly!!

    WA winters really are always different, the winter before H went to boot, they had like a foot of snow, and IL's live right on the sound. Maybe you'll get lucky and you'll get your snowman afterall!!
  • SJnTimmySJnTimmy member
    edited December 2011

    Yeah I always hear good things about Bangor.  We are thinking about going there for the next sea duty.  I told him he had to get off fast attacks. 

    I'm going to pretend that ya'll didn't say anything about the snow and snow will be there waiting for me. 

  • edited December 2011
    Did you see where I posted that I'm an SJ from AL too?! I love finding random things in common with Knotties!!
  • SJnTimmySJnTimmy member
    edited December 2011
    Wanna know something else?  I'm a Sammi Jo too.  Haha.  Everyone always calls me Sammi Jo or when they write my name its SJ.  Our parents thought alot alike.
  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Another yay for WA!

    There were times that I got tired of planning too, and we only planned for 5 months.  It wasn't so much the planning and/or doing things, for me it was more of the fact that the wedding becomes like all consuming of your life during that time.  I just couldn't wait to stop thinking about the little details, or worrying about the RSVP cards, or anything, and just be able to be married and be done with it.  I don't regret a single thing from our wedding, but I couldn't wait for it to be over.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    how did your parents come up with your Sammi Jo?

    I'm named after my dads parents Sammy and Joe..
  • SJnTimmySJnTimmy member
    edited December 2011
    My name is Samantha Jo. 

    My dad wanted Vanessa or Anna Maria and my mom said Hell no & Samantha Jo was the compromise.
  • edited December 2011
    My name sucks... No one can pronounce it properly.
    wow beach only 5 months? I couldn't do that.. I need loooooooots of time or I would forget .. um.. everything. Lol. We have a couple that is planning with 4 months to go (I'm pretty sure she isn't planning but her family is, because she's having it back home and not here in WA) and another couple that is planning with like 2.5 months because he is PCSing so they just paid for a wedding planner and she is doing everything... I'm all for coordinators, but I would wanna plan it myself for the most part.. or it wouldn't feel like my wedding...?
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone get tired of planning?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My name is Samantha Jo.  My dad wanted Vanessa or Anna Maria and my mom said Hell no & Samantha Jo was the compromise.
    Posted by SJnTimmy[/QUOTE]

    Ahhh!!! I'm a Samantha Joe too!! But it's technically Samantha JoeAnne, and because the Joe was my Grandfather's name I have the boy spelling of Joe, and not the girly Jo. I think I've only met 1 other SJ, but she was just a Sammy Jo. I Love it!!!!

    FTL...How do people not pronounce your name right? I mean.. it's not hard is it?
  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Anyone get tired of planning?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Anyone get tired of planning? : Ahhh!!! I'm a Samantha Joe too!! But it's technically Samantha JoeAnne, and because the Joe was my Grandfather's name I have the boy spelling of Joe, and not the girly Jo. I think I've only met 1 other SJ, but she was just a Sammy Jo. I Love it!!!! <strong>FTL...How do people not pronounce your name right? I mean.. it's not hard is it?</strong>
    Posted by SamiJoeB[/QUOTE]

    <div>I'm wondering the same! lol I know people can never pronounce H's last name, so when I change my name, no one will be able to say it too! haha </div>
  • edited December 2011
    I looked at her profile and saw her name and was like hmmmm...? maybe it's her last name? FTL!! Wake up and log on!!!
  • edited December 2011

    My Name is Anna but it's pronounced "on-uhhh" or Ana (in the Hispanic way) So then people harass me like "wait but there are two Ns" I know "but there should only be one" no I'm eastern European that's how we spell it "but that's a mexican name. Why do you have a mexican name spelled wrong, are you mexican? was it a mistake? " Why is this so complicated for a 4 letter word. Get over it. it's European. 2 Ns. *sigh*  FI is REALLY quick to correct people when they call me the American "Anna" and most of the guys in the squadron are just like "whatever same thing" no not same thing. you just lost your wedding invite. lol

    My middle name (persec?) is Elizabete. It's also Eastern European (Latvian) so it's hard to say without the heavy accent added. For that reason I hate it when people ask what my middle name is because I have to repeat it like 3 times. And my last name is just long,latvian, and no one else has it unless they are related to me. it's really not complicated but people manage to mess it up.. lol
  • edited December 2011
    Ahh.. I can see then why that would get annoying. People misspell my name all the time, and can't pronounce my last name which I think is ridiculous..
  • SJnTimmySJnTimmy member
    edited December 2011
    I took a Spanish class in high school and we had to pick a Spanish name so my name was Ana! 

    And Sami, my name gets misspelled all the time. It is so annoying.  FI's last name gets misspelled too.  But it is a common name just spelled differently!
  • edited December 2011

    Ha, this topic definitely took a turn. Lol. But, I can say I feel everyone's pain. My name is Andrea (Ann-dree-uh) but everyone seems to wanna call me "Onn-dray-uh". Firsttimers... I have a niece Arianna (r-e-onn-uh) but everyone says it should be r-e-ann-uh because its spelled with 2 n's. Whatever. Any excuse for ppl to complain, I swear

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