Military Brides

Where is FI when you need him!?

  OMFG. So, I was sitting in my apartment watching TV and I see something move out of the corner of my eye, think my eyes are playing tricks on me I just ignore it. 5 seconds later I see a mouse... I scream... he probably screams...and then he starts running around what is my bedroom....darting everywhere. I am freaking out as much as he is.  I call my dad freaking out... what do I do? chase after it with a knife? cry in a corner?, stand on a chair (Yes... I did this)  He just tells me to go to walmart and get some traps and go to bed. HELLO the mouse is in my room!! Probably hanging out in my bed as scared to death as I am. 

 I run to walmart to get some mouse traps...the ones where you can't see the dead mouse in them.  (Breaks my heart..I don't want to kill a little mouse... but GTFO of my apartment..this is america.. haven't you heard of the 'make my day' law) So, I tidy my apartment up... put any thing that might possibly give off a food smell in the fridge and make sure all the dishes are put away.  I then call my sister up to see if she will take me in. 

I feel so violated, there is a mouse in my apartment probably sleeping in my bed, taking a shower, eating my peanut butter... Leave it to the first freeze to bring in the critters. I HATE not having my beagles with me..Never had any critters in my old house.

Anyway... I just thought I would share...any advice or thoughts on the matter would be fantastic. 


Re: Where is FI when you need him!?

  • edited December 2011
    I literally LOL'ed at this! I'm sorry, I know it freaks you out, but it's hilarious! You will find the humor in it once the issue is gone, too. So don't hate me :) Anyway, IDK what you could to do get him out other than what you already did, so just be patient. It is not on your bed, it's too little to open a big ol fridge or cabinet to get the peanut butter, and it likes being dirty, so no shower. The worst thing that will happen is maybe some mouse poopies and holes in boxes. I'd get rid of anything with a hole in the box... like cereals and stuff. Yup, that's my advice :) GL!

    OH!!! And, true story, one time, I opened FI's front door, and there was a dead FROG in the crevace of the door, smushed, but dried out and hangin. I asked him to clean it up, but he said no, and said he slammed the door on it in the first place cause he got skurreds. MY.HERO.
  • BinxRoseBinxRose member
    edited December 2011
    Oh my goodness! I used to own 2 albino rats, and they were cute and fabulous and smart! They were both from a psych lab course (I taught Scabbers how to press a bar to get water)! HOWEVER, they were kept in a clean environment and I knew they were disease-free. But if a wild mouse was in my home...eff that! A month ago when my FI was gone, I was laying on the couch watching Regis & Kelly. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I was a huge cockroach 5" from my face! You bet your bum I screamed as I jumped up! I managed to catch it, along with three others. The bug guy came the next day to spray. It was SO nasty!
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    You need your FI to... what? Put down the traps? And you literally slept at your sister's because you saw a mouse? I'm sorry, I just don't understand this. For how judgmental you've been recently, I feel no shame in saying that I think you're acting like a child. Sure, I get screaming when you first see it (kinda) but suck it up and deal with it. It's a rodent, and like you said, it is more afraid of you than you are of it. Go buy some traps, put them out, and go to sleep. What are you going to do when he deploys? I swear to goodness, if another military wife ever calls me to come catch her mouse or tonstay at my house because she's too chicken and her husband isn't around, I will laugh at her forever. We had a mouse a few weeks ago. I saw it before bed, so we said we'd go buy traps the next day. FI got up to work out, saw it on a counter (ewww, I Lysol'd that and everything else damnnnned good) so he threw a big metal bowl over it. When I got up, I held a wooden board from outside at the edge, and we slid the bowl off the counter onto the board, walked it to the door, and chucked it outside. The mouse skittered off, we collected and washed the bowl. We washed down everything with bleach and went to go et ready for our day. The gross part was that it pooped everywhere, so it was a lot of cleanup.



  • edited December 2011
    HA!! Ok I just spit diet dew all over my screen after reading this story.  I am not laughing at you but with you.  HA!  A green lizard got in to my house and I would scream try to get it with a broom and then scream again.  I am sure it was very funny to the people outside.  HAA
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:16f00100-6e5c-48d0-9d1a-8f96945aab5aPost:9c46bc36-ae47-40b7-8ba0-cf84d35a070d">Re: Where is FI when you need him!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]You need your FI to... what? Put down the traps? And you literally slept at your sister's because you saw a mouse? I'm<strong> sorry, I just don't understand this. For how judgmental you've been recently, I feel no shame in saying that I think you're acting like a child</strong>. Sure, I get screaming when you first see it (kinda) but suck it up and deal with it. It's a rodent, and like you said, it is more afraid of you than you are of it. Go buy some traps, put them out, and go to sleep. What are you going to do when he deploys? I swear to goodness, if another military wife ever calls me to come catch her mouse or tonstay at my house because she's too chicken and her husband isn't around, I will laugh at her forever. We had a mouse a few weeks ago. I saw it before bed, so we said we'd go buy traps the next day. FI got up to work out, saw it on a counter (ewww, I Lysol'd that and everything else damnnnned good) so he threw a big metal bowl over it. When I got up, I held a wooden board from outside at the edge, and we slid the bowl off the counter onto the board, walked it to the door, and chucked it outside. The mouse skittered off, we collected and washed the bowl. We washed down everything with bleach and went to go et ready for our day. The gross part was that it pooped everywhere, so it was a lot of cleanup.
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    To the bolded part... wtf?? Am I your flavor of the week to dislike? 

    I was only half serious through the whole post.. and I was entirely kidding in the title. I am not dependent on my FI, If you think I am one of those girls that their lives revolve around their significant other you are surely mistaken. I can take care of myself and don't really <em>need</em> FI. Last time I checked I live halfway across the country from him. I don't cry out to him to kill my spiders or coddle me.

    Yes, I called my sister up to stay at her house, she lives 5 minutes from my work  (I live an hour away) and I lived with her over the summer. I actually sleep there often on Thursday nights because I go over there after work on to visit and end up spending the night. NBD.

     Yes, call me a child all you want. I am terrified of mice. People can have irrational fears, what is wrong with that? Personally, I don't think it is an irrational when you don't know the diseases the thing could possibly have.
  • edited December 2011
    Hahaha, mice suck. We had mice in the house all the time (we lived in the country). They would chew EVERYTHING up and make everything smell terrible. Once we caught over 8 mice in one week.  Nasty creatures, but super cute.  I always felt horrible about killing them.

    I am a baby about other things: car breaking down, computer not working, etc.  He's my handyman and loves fixing those things.  When he's on deployment, I try to fix them, usually fail or screw 'em up worse, and then go for real help.  SIGH.  Currently my computer isn't working.  Its definitely a "where is FI when you need him?" moment.

    Everyone has their weaknesses and things that get under their skin.  For some, its technology (ME!).  For others, its things with four legs and fur.  That's why we have partners, to cover each other's weaknesses.
    Two Drifters Off To See The World...
  • edited December 2011
    bahaha. I'm definitely laughing with you. backstory:

    I live in an apartment in a barn on a farm. I love where I live, and I -usually- love being connected to nature and whatnot, but mice have been a problem for me every year. 

    about a week and a half ago, I was sitting on my couch talking to a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in forever and I saw a mouse out of the corner of my eye running under my kitchen counters. I turned my head and sure enough saw his little butt scampering along the wall and behind the counters. My friend saw it, too. My friend that was there- his name is Mike, and he's a 6'1'' black guy (but we joke that he's a white guy stuck in a black guy's body). Mike is also definitely a city boy. I commented to him something along the lines of "dammmmmmmmit I have mice again" and I had some traps in the drawer and said I needed to set them up. He offered to help (as I later found out he was being nice, he really had no clue what to do with a mouse trap). I buy the old school wooden ones that kill the suckers as soon as they get the food (peanut butter, so I lol'ed at you picturing the mouse eating yours! They eat mine, they're dead...literally). I put peanut butter on the trap and went to set it. Mike did the same but he was freaking out. He said, and I quote "I feel like I should be wearing a bomb suit to do this. What if it snaps my finger?" hahahahahahahahaha. 

    so, I work about an hour away from where I live, and on some weeks I stay with friends closer to work. I left for work the next morning and didn't think anything of it. When I got home last Friday night, there was a TERRIBLE smell in my apartment. I could not for the life of me figure out what it was; I had taken the trash out before I left, my dog wasn't home with me.... so I swept the floor and I was getting ready to mop. I had just finished cleaning the bathroom and it hit me, and I said to myself, "self, you know what that smell is? I bet you caught a dammmmmmmmn mouse". I peered around the corner to where I had set one of the traps and all I could see was the little lever that holds the trap open and a TAIL. UGHHHHHHHHHHH gross!

    I have never had a problem disposing of the dead mice, but this one was reeeeally dead. About this time, FI walks in the door (yay!)

    I kiss FI (okay, this part took a minute :P ) and when we stop kissing I back up a step and I put my hands over my face like a little kid playing hide-and-seek and I say "I know what that awful smell is" and he says "what is it?" and I said "I caught a mouse and I need you to get rid of it for me". He laughed at me, because he knows that if he hadn't been there, I would have pulled up my big girl panties and disposed of the body myself (hehe, body disposal, almost doesn't sound like I'm talking about a mouse). 

    He just looked at me and said "So, let me get this straight. You, the paramedic with years of experience dealing with grotesquely mangled dead people, doing postmortem care and taking bodies to the morgue... you turn into a squealing girl over a dead mouse, that you INTENTIONALLY caught in a mouse trap?" 

    "..... yes; I mean, I would have to do it if you weren't here, babe, but what can I say? I need you, so I'm glad you're here!"

    He inverted 2 plastic sandwich baggies as gloves, haha (he didn't think to ask his FI, the paramedic, for some gloves... lol)

    then he was going to put it IN THE TRASH. NO WAY!!!! um, hello, that won't make the smell go away?! I suggested that it'd be better to throw it in the field behind the house on the FARM where I live... oh yeah. He forgot that part. haha. 

    He came back, washed his hands and went to kiss me; yeah, I gave him a peck on the lips and then just said to him "honey, it's not romantic right now, it still smells like dead mouse. I need to mop the floor, like... right now.... THEN I'm happy to kiss you as long as you'd like". 

    He thought this was almost as amusing as my reaction to the mouse. 

    so yeah, all that to say, mice are gross... and as we say in EMS "sorry bout ya bad luck" ! ...but I have it, too.
    wedding1 Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    I'm a crazy animal lover. I had a couple mice hiding out in my fireplace last year and I got the no-kill traps to move them out of my house... I don't think it's fair to kill the little guys.. THey are just cold and found a good warm place to live. They didn't mean to freak you out. :/

    Feeling violated by a mouse that has no interest in your taking a shower seems a little silly, but I understand we all have our ick-factors and fears.
    The little guy is gone now I'm sure, and at least you didn't wake up to him next to you.
    Why don't you have a cat or dog in the place you're at now?
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    The whole part I said about him sleeping in my bed/ taking my shower/ eating my peanut butter... is all a joke!! I guess from now on I'll have to highlight in red everything I am joking about. ...Which is about half of the posts I post.

    1. He came in from the ceiling around my water heater (hence taking a shower)
    2. He ran under my bed after we had a screaming fit. (hence sleeping in my bed)
    3. I left  peanut butter in the traps (hence he was eating my peanut butter)

    FTL- I can't have dogs in my apartment without a hefty pet deposit that I won't get back, and I am home ...MAYBE 12 waking hours a week.. my dogs don't deserve to be caged up all that time.
  • edited December 2011
    aw.. didn't know it was a joke with no (haha) or winky or anything.. reading emotion is difficult. I was a little concerned there for a moment haha!

    You're not a cat person I take it? You could totally sneak in a cat without a pet deposit ;) haha They like mice! Although.. my cat likes to play with them... she's kind of a jerk.. 
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011

    Now that is an Idea... if i see the mouse again I may borrow my friends cat for the day. Haha.

  • BinxRoseBinxRose member
    edited December 2011
    When we (Binx & I) lived with the family I worked for last fall, he was excellent at catching mice! He killed them for us. I, however, was not fond of that because you have no idea what diseases they carry! We haven't had any mice here, but Binx is great at catching (and then eating) flies!
  • edited December 2011
    haha binx my cat loves eating spiders!! Love of my life right there :P
  • edited December 2011
    I've tried the no-kill traps- I'm pretty sure the mice just sit there and laugh at them, the proceed to scurry around a chew on everything.  I've tried just about everything and the only thing that worked for me was sticky traps, which is the WORST.  But, they carry so many diseases, and I can't have any pets in my apartment, so sticky traps it is.

    I can put on my big-girl panties and deal with things, but it is SO nice when I don't have to!
    Two Drifters Off To See The World...
  • KendallR10KendallR10 member
    edited December 2011
    FI would not be helpful for me. He hates mice
    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Where is FI when you need him!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]When we (Binx & I) lived with the family I worked for last fall, <strong>he was excellent at catching mice! He killed them for us.</strong> I, however, was not fond of that because you have no idea what diseases they carry! We haven't had any mice here, but Binx is great at catching (and then eating) flies!
    Posted by BinxRose[/QUOTE]

    Haha. My Mom's cat (Nacho, the super predator) would kill mice, squirrels, moles, bird, snakes, pretty much everything, eat all of it except the head and leave the head on the welcome mat. She was a barn kitten when we got her, so she would never stay inside. Plus, she was tiny, like 4-5 lbs. fully grown, so a lot of things she killed were bigger than her. When my Mom moved to UT they had to put two bells on her just so that she wouldn't kill <span style="font-style:italic;">all </span>of the birds.
  • edited December 2011
    omg div- The worst thing my cat brought in once was a possum's tail. it's TAIL. Those things are like.. 30 pounds here on the west coast and nasty mean... I have no idea how she won that fight O.o
  • tyleet87tyleet87 member
    edited December 2011
    This story made me literally laugh out loud. Your witty description of the event was hilarious!

    My FI is finishing up OCS currently. Could really use him right now. My grandmother is ill and has been in and out of the ER and Dr office. Wish I had him to lean on, unforuntely I can't even talk to him since he's in the field. I couldn't imagine what people go through when their significant other is deployed and unreachable. That is my worst nightmare.
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers Follow Me on Pinterest
  • edited December 2011
    tyleet OCS for which branch? :)
    I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother :(
    Luckily when H is deployed he is USUALLY reachable.. well.. not reachable.. but last deployment we spoke almost every single day. Sure it's on HIS time, not on mine, but that's ok. It really just depends on where they get stationed and what they do.
    Your Fi will be back before you know it.. I know it's hard, but he's doin a great thing and is lucky to have you as support.
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
     Some of the other stories reminds me of when my FILs had their cat. 2 years ago FI was home on leave and we were visiting his parents and his mom had complained of a terrible smell coming from their garage, and told the boys (FI and his dad) to find the smell which was probably a dead mouse

    I made the mistake of watching them take apart the garage (which is more store unit than car port)...There was what looked like a giant rat. Kitty had killed him and tried to bring him in the house, but he was so large he wouldn't fit.  Goodness that was the nastiest thing I have ever seen in my life. The body was at least 12 inches. Yuck
  • tyleet87tyleet87 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:16f00100-6e5c-48d0-9d1a-8f96945aab5aPost:f6fc0c86-ded6-48a7-addd-cae04a42a0a4">Re: Where is FI when you need him!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]tyleet OCS for which branch? :) I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother :( Luckily when H is deployed he is USUALLY reachable.. well.. not reachable.. but last deployment we spoke almost every single day. Sure it's on HIS time, not on mine, but that's ok. It really just depends on where they get stationed and what they do. Your Fi will be back before you know it.. I know it's hard, but he's doin a great thing and is lucky to have you as support.
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    Thank you. He's in the Army. That's good to hear that they are somewhat reachable even when deployed. I'm terrified but so thankful that he is in the reserves currently. We are going back and forth of the idea of him going active.
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers Follow Me on Pinterest
  • edited December 2011
    That decision is definitely a big one to make. Have you talked to a few AD army people about it? Or his command?
    Sometimes talking to a bunch of people that have been there, hearing both sides of the story good and bad, can help.
    My dad has been AD Army for 30 years and is getting out this next year.  He didn't deploy up until year 28 though.. hah.. so close!
  • tyleet87tyleet87 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Where is FI when you need him!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]That decision is definitely a big one to make. Have you talked to a few AD army people about it? Or his command? Sometimes talking to a bunch of people that have been there, hearing both sides of the story good and bad, can help. My dad has been AD Army for 30 years and is getting out this next year.  He didn't deploy up until year 28 though.. hah.. so close!
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    I haven't but it won't hurt to do it. We only had 6 months to start planning our wedding and get ready for him to leave for all his training. I honestly feel exactly like I did on day 1 with the military. I know next to nothing. I'm hoping these boards can help change that, at least for the next 7 months or so. :)
    image Daisypath Anniversary tickers Follow Me on Pinterest
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Where is FI when you need him!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Where is FI when you need him!? : I haven't but it won't hurt to do it. We only had 6 months to start planning our wedding and get ready for him to leave for all his training. I honestly feel exactly like I did on day 1 with the military. I know next to nothing. I'm hoping these boards can help change that, at least for the next 7 months or so. :)
    Posted by tyleet87[/QUOTE]

    This board is an excellent resource.  I've been on here for... hmm... over a year now?  And I've learned sooooo much!  I know more about uniform regulations, etiquette, and general knowledge than some of our AD friends' spouses who have been in for years!  I have even had a time or two when I knew an acronym that FI didn't.



  • tyleet87tyleet87 member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Where is FI when you need him!?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Where is FI when you need him!? : This board is an excellent resource.  I've been on here for... hmm... over a year now?  And I've learned sooooo much!  I know more about uniform regulations, etiquette, and general knowledge than some of our AD friends' spouses who have been in for years!  I have even had a time or two when I knew an acronym that FI didn't.
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    That's very promising. :) I can't wait to start learning.
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