Military Brides

AW: More KITTY!! and other things :)

Well, Herbie had to have surgery and now behold! The ball-less, clawless, nearly toothless kitty that I call my own.

He's still beautiful though :)

He's still taking pain meds for recovery and this is his sedated kitty face.

Yep, he just flops over when you pet him to get his belly rubbed..he's such a dog :P

Well, since the last time I was here FI has been doing some job interviews and such with different police departments and one in particular is looking hopeful and if everything turns out well with this (background check, PT test, and entrance exam) then he will start at the academy in June! :D I'm super excited because that means we can start the actual wedding plan process! YAAAYYYY!!!!

Also, IT'S FRIDAY!!!! What are all you lovely senoritas up to today? :)

Re: AW: More KITTY!! and other things :)

  • Awww kitty... I'm with my mom at a quilt show helping her out with her vendor booth. I'm glad I could see the pics of the kitty on the mobile site. No wifi so I'm stuck on my phone :
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  • That actually sounds like fun, but of course I'm really into quilting XD

    Is this like a really big mega huge quilting show? Like the kind where tons and tons of people show up and by the most outrageously awesome pieces? :D

  • This is a smaller local one but she does a big national one in early June. I might go help with that one if I still don't have a job.
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  • Cuuuuute!  And yay for FI!  I hope everything works out for you guys =)

    My day is quite boring.  I went grocery shopping this morning, which is not the best experience around where I'm currently living.  But I did buy a bottle of Sangria and I can't wait to crack that baby open later!  The rest of the day will be spent studying, going to class, working out, and hopefully relaxing.
  • Sammy- National? That sounds AWESOME! 8D (please excuse my quilting obsession)

    Irh, you and I are in the same boat...I'm starting a new challenge for myself. Working out until I just can't work out any more. This should be fun. XD And this weekend I may go hiking and swimming...which only makes things even more fun! HW and studying gotta get put in there somewhere
  • So cute! So great you're taking care of him so well
  • Ooooo, hiking sounds like fun!  Okay Zelda, I lied. I'm postponing my workout until tomorrow because all of campus lost power (for the second time this week...ugh), including my gym.  So they closed for the day!  And it's cold and hailing so I can't do my own thing outside.  Booooo.

    Zims - I love the rings in your siggy!  Sorry if you've had that there for a while...I just noticed =)
  • BinxRoseBinxRose member
    edited March 2012
    You had him declawed??? :(

    Why nearly toothless?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: AW: More KITTY!! and other things :)</a>:
    [QUOTE]You had him declawed??? :( Why nearly toothless?
    Posted by BinxRose[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeeeah. I was hoping that the surgery was just for the de-balling. I (kind of) hate to be the hardass about things like this, but de-clawing is really cruel, it's the equivalent of removing someone's fingers at the first knuckle. You can generally teach cats where they can and can't scratch, or put caps on their nails that are pretty harmless and removable. Or you can do what I do and recognize that with a cat and a dog this is why you can't have nice things. :)</div><div>
    </div><div>The tooth thing might be because a lot of shelter pets (I think kitty was adopted from a shelter) end up with nasty mouth infections and have to have teeth pulled because of them. I know it happens to dogs. </div><div>
  • BinxRoseBinxRose member
    edited March 2012
    Ya Divine, I almost had Binxy declawed, because a lot of people act like it's no big deal. So I thought it was But I did my own research on it and discovered how cruel and inhumane it is. In humans, it would be the equivalent to cutting off your fingers at the first joint.
    I just trim Binx's claws once in a while, and sometimes put the Soft Paws on.
  • ZeldakinsZeldakins member
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited March 2012
    Oh my goodness! I should have clarified that! He was declawed when we took him in...sadly on all fours and the reason we took him in was because all the other cats with claws in his old home would attack him. :( I know about the whole declawing thing and that's why I felt really sorry for him. I'm not sure how long he's been like that but I do know that he's seven years old. The tooth thing was exactly that Divine...he just wasn't cared for the right way and sadly a lot of his teeth needed to be taken out because of severe infection. We got him cared for ASAP because we realized that he seemed to meowing in pain and had stinky pus drool coming out of his the previous owners didn't notice the stench and color is BEYOND me. The good thing is that he is much happier and healthier now :) and this apartment is a really good home for him cause he's the only pet and gets lots of attention.

    EDIT: Saddest part about this is that he's declawed on all fours and tries to scratch the floor and furniture sometimes...I think he thinks they're still there :( He was also ball-less when we got him...the surgery was just to take care of his teeth.
  • ZeldakinsZeldakins member
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited March 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: AW: More KITTY!! and other things :)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ooooo, hiking sounds like fun!  Okay Zelda, I lied. I'm postponing my workout until tomorrow because all of campus lost power (for the second time this week...ugh), including my gym.  So they closed for the day!  And it's cold and hailing so I can't do my own thing outside.  Booooo. Zims - I love the rings in your siggy!  Sorry if you've had that there for a while...I just noticed =)
    Posted by lrh17[/QUOTE]

    Haha, totally understand! Our campus does that too sometimes...especially with all the construction going on right now. Seriously, who's idea was it to take on ALL the construction projects needed for the past ten years and build them in 2? ARGGGHH...

    Edit: sorry I'm replying so late XD I just got back from The Hunger Games with FI :D
  • Oh my gosh, I just don't understand how someone can abuse their pet like that. Why have pets if you won't take care of them, you know?

    So happy to hear it wasn't you who had kitty declawed! I wish people (especially vets) wouldn't act like declawing isn't a big deal. It's a serious surgery involving the amputation of the first joint. Aside from the intense pain and physcial side effects, and can also lead to pyschological problems. It's really quite sad. There are other ways to deal with claws, as I mentioned in my last post.

    Glad to hear it wasn't you, and that you're taking good care of him!
  • Awwwwww. Poor kitty! Just reading that made me go look for my kitty (he was none too pleased, he was lying in the sun and the dog followed me to him). I'm so glad that you guys were able to get him fixed up. The tooth thing is pretty common in shelter pets, and it's so horrible that people don't notice it. Especially because when someone let it get that bad they pretty much guaranteed that Mr. Kitty would have to have pretty major surgery. 
  • Most definitely Divine and Binx, but the part that makes me upset was that it wasn't even a shelter that we got it was from some friends of my roommates. I get that they have a lot of pets that they take in and took him in just like we have...but issues like the one he had can't go untreated. Herbie's not allowed outside because of all his little "handicaps" even though he loves to be out there and explore. I think he's gonna be doing so much better here, especially now that he's all well. :) 
  • Cats really shouldn't be allowed to be outside anyway. Not only can it be detrimental to their health and lives (look up info on lifespans of indoor cats vs. outdoor cats), but also detrimental to outdoor critters such as birds.

  • I didn't know that. Haha, I guess you do learn something new everyday :) Well we let him out on the balconies at the most...but he's never ventured past that. Is seven old for a cat?
  • Balcony should be fine. But if it's like around the yard and beyond, really not good.

    Seven is sort of mid-life. Cats can live to be up to 20-ish!
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