It seems FI and I are getting another taste of the Marines lately. I posted a few days ago how in 2 weeks I'm supposed to fly out to visit him for the Marine Corps ball and we were also scheduled to get our engagement pictures taken. We've had this planned for months lol But we all know that being able to plan things is not normally how it goes in the military. Well last night we find out that now he's going into the field for training while I'm supposed to be out there. No ball and no pictures. I'm not sure whether I should shorten my trip while I'm out there, or just save my vacation time for when we can actually spend some time together. I'm not upset and I'm fully aware that things like this happen and that I just have to get over it. It's just a bummer when you have all these special things to look forward to with each other and then it all changes with one phone call. Grrrrr. I'm eating pizza tonight.