So FI was going out with a buddy last night in Beaufort to celebrate the end of their "summer fun" internship. So he told me that he'd be headed back to base around 10pm since they couldn't drink much anyway since they'd have to drive back on base. But then I saw this morning when I woke up (jetlag had me up at 6:30am... blah) that he texted me at 1am saying, "I just made a commitment i a getting a tat tomorrow" (verbatim, how he spelled it).
I AM FURIOUS! He has no tattoos right now, and I am not the biggest fan of the idea of him getting a tattoo but I respect that he wants to get a USMC tattoo. We've discussed it, and he's promised that we'd design it together, find a great tattoo artist, and go together. So now he was out drinking with his buddy, and they probably both said they'd go together. I am so furious, and the jerk is probably sleeping off his hangover right now so he's not answering his phone.
I'm seriously very, very angry. This is a very big deal to me, and he knows that - we've talked about it and discussed it repeatedly. But now because he had a few drinks, he's being this thoughtless. I'm pretty sure he'll wake up today and realize that this probably isn't the best idea and that it would hurt me, but at the same time, I'm pissed that when he drinks, my feelings are thrown out the window and he makes such selfish foolish promises. I am so angry I could spit bullets.
Grrr.... part of me feels like if he gets this tattoo, I'll always hate it because of how it was done. And I don't know that I could live with that kind of constant physical reminder that he was being an inconsiderate jerk.
Am I overreacting???