Military Brides

True Story...

The wedding we are going to this weekend-- really isn't a wedding...

How do you ask?

The couple secretly JOP'd a while back. shhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's a secret we're suppose to keep. I just found out when the groom called this week. I get their reason for wanting to be married they are dual Military but do it right ppls!

Ask me again why H and I are shelling out $1k+ to fly, stay and be in/at a "show"
BTW I seriously considered staying outside the hotel block. This fricken hotel is way too spendy for us normally.

grumbles- grumbles - grumbles.

Oh well its our 1 year anniversary so I am gonna make it fun regardless. I just have to.
I want the COOOOOKIE!
Credit to Awkward Family Pet Photos

Re: True Story...

  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited May 2012
    Oh, H was telling me about the girl in his squadron that knew this guy for less than 6 mo and they JOP'd it because they were dual military and he was moving away.  Not dating for 6mo... KNEW each other for less than 6 mo. Then it is all secret secret that their families don't know. I have told H not to introduce us because I am liable to tell her she is stupid.

    My cousin is havng a DW. Fine... normally people don't travel halfway around the world for a wedding. But he sent the invites to the DW a month before the wedding, even if I wanted to go, I wouldn't have time to shop around for a good deal on airfare. But he put my worries aside by sending a note in the invite telling is "Don't worry! we are having a second (yes, I said second) wedding in the USA at the end of September."  Also a note about "We will be moving soon after the wedding, we don't want gifts, just money"

    ehhhh....I don't normally bash on people's weddings, but pretend weddings really irk me.

    At least sit out by the pool and drink... I always enjoy that.
  • I didn't realize I was so judgy about weddings until after ours. Not that ours was kick a, or the best wedding ever... but it bums me out when people plan what they want and forget about the guests.
    I want the COOOOOKIE!
    Credit to Awkward Family Pet Photos
  • Yeah, there's a girl in FI's squad who is planning her PPD. She was on the TDY with FI and apparently she's really nice, her H is Air Force as well but stationed on a different base here in SA. I've promised not to bring it up and smile and nod when/if it comes up in conversation. But I secretly judge. 
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