Military Brides


Can you guys see me?  Knot Annie threatened to ban me over something dumb, and I'm not sure if she did or not.  Thanks!




Re: Test

  • Beachy730Beachy730 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    You're here.

    Sometimes I've heard the bans can take a day or two though.  But at least for now you're here.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Whatever.  I'll just reincarnate as someone new, which wouldn't be so bad.

    Thanks!  I hate knowing if I'm being seen or not... that happened once over a crazy thing with the Favors moderator, who was being a little dictator and I posted a poll over whether she'd gone too far.  She blocked it and banned me, and I just disappeared.  I had posted a whole day without realizing no one saw the posts!  Talk about talking to a wall...



  • edited December 2011
    Calindi you're getting in trouble with a virtual baby sitter??? haha... Test is another day or two to double check... *fingers crossed* for ya that you don't have to go through dumb crap of getting a new name
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    Whaaat? Oh geez. Test again tomorrow just to be sure!
  • kara811kara811 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Well we still definitely see you. And if you do get banned you better come back! Do you mind me asking what the ban is for? 
  • edited December 2011
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    It's quite dumb. I used to hang out on the NEY board, but some of the ladies (that msjenna included) didn't like me much, and the constant negativity got to me so I ditched it after a particularly memorable thread about Davids Bridal. A newly engaged girl said she was going there, and I had the audacity to suggest she might find better quality dresses at the same price as sample sales. Apparently that really pissed off some people, and it became this big overblown name calling ridiculousness. And then someone created a fake email address with my first name, figured out who my FI is, found his school email address (it's online through some of his student org websites) and sent him a picture of me in my dress. I was livid that someone could be that malicious, even though I didn't care if he saw the dress and he doesn't care (we aren't telling my Mom, though! She's all about the surprise). So that's when I Ieft. Fast forward two months - msjenna brings up that same old drama on this board in Katelyn's car thread, and I told her that the MB board doesn't usually tolerate personal vendettas and she'd be better suited on NEY if that was her style. So she went back and created a thread that became over 150 posts where everyone just bashed me... Their version of how things happened is skewed at best, much closer to intentionally misconstrued. So I went in and basically said that I'm glad to see this is how they choose to spend their time, two months after I've left. And that it's that kind of behavior that makes me glad I left. And I thanked the few who dared stand up to the vultures, but told them they didn't need to defend me to dimwits who had their heads too far in the sand to listen to reason.... And apparently that generic statement (literally 'dimwits' is the most offensive thing I said.... Compared to the litany of curse words I was called) is what I got reported for, and Knot Annie decided to warn me personally. Instead of, you know, the girls who chose to be far more vicious, personal, and hateful directly to me.



  • edited December 2011
    Wow that's crazy! Hope you don't get banned (I did and it sucked) My month board mod is being super picky with what I say so I'm being careful. Accidentally said b!tch (context: B!tch about something) and she sent me a pm saying it was my last warning and don't swear
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Well, I think that's a little harsh - I wouldn't curse AT someone, but cursing in general?  Hmm... okay.  I'd get yelled at, too!

    I don't even care anymore, it's ridiculous that I haven't been posting there for over 2 months now and they entertain themselves by bashing me.  But whatever.  Not worth getting worked up over, I just find it a bit hypocritical to ban me when I call a whole thread of people cursing about me "dimwits".  Knot Annie told me that my posts "aren't always nice".  Um, okay?  Is that against the rules?

    I won't go anywhere - if I get banned, I'll come back as a noob and just pretend I'm someone else until you all figure it out.




  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Oh, and Katelyn, the mod of my month board is one of those girls on NEY, so I've actually started hanging out on August 2012 instead... since I'm September 1st, it makes sense anyway!  Better to be a month ahead than a month behind, right?



  • edited December 2011
    Why arent you on the september board?
  • edited December 2011
    I love my September board, but apparently we are known as not super nice people... One of the girls ran to E asking if she could be part of that board instead because we're so mean... Really? Of all the boards.. E? Not that E is mean but they are just as blunt as my Sept board, so I don't really get it.
    Luckily our mod is pretty rad. :o)
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Re-read my previous post - I don't go on the September board because I don't like the moderator.  She was one of the girls in NEY, and I have a feeling she's the one who sent my FI that picture (if she's not, she certainly defended their actions a LOT)



  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    FTL - you may have noticed me peeking in your board!  I want to know what I'm in for a year from now, and I feel like you ladies have more to offer in terms of perspective and advice for me than girls who are in my same shoes and figuring it out as we go.  Better to learn from those who are ahead of you than behind!



  • edited December 2011
    Yeah I saw your post a week or two ago.
    Right now everyone is all freakin' out.. It's so funny because I am the last weekend of September and have pretty much everything done. A bunch of the ladies are like
    hehehehe It cracks me up :) I love my month board so much... I wish I had discovered it sooner. We all have those boards that we particularly "click" with I suppose, and the ones that we don't. I definitely think it makes more sense for you to be on the Aug one since, like you said, you are RIGHT in the beginning of September.. I think the Aug ladies would be more helpful under that circumstance.
  • kyrgyzstankyrgyzstan member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Dude, you've always been nice about my DB dress, lol! And the idea that it's okay to delve into your personal life (by finding your FI) is insanity. How is that possiby okay? You shoud just report anyone who defends it and say that they're supporting internet stalking or whatever. When it gets to the point where there's anonymous contacting of people IRL, it's too far. That happened on MN, except someone contacted someone else's allegedly abusive H. INSANE.
    I hate Dave Ramsey
  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:431ea120-1bd4-4c42-b06d-36624a9d5153Post:68978c43-2df5-4753-862c-1cd4d50a37fc">Re: Test</a>:
    [QUOTE]I love my September board, but apparently we are known as not super nice people... One of the girls ran to E asking if she could be part of that board instead because we're so mean... Really? Of all the boards.. E? Not that E is mean but they are just as blunt as my Sept board, so I don't really get it. Luckily our mod is pretty rad. :o)
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    I remember that thread! First! What did you do to her?? :-)
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Sorry calindi misunderstood your post. And I agree with stan that's crazy someone did that
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Stan, I DO love your dress!  It looks stunning on you!  Here's the thing - and I said it there, but probably not in the most diplomatic way - I think DB dresses are BEAUTIFUL!  But I think there's a reason they're less expensive - they use lesser quality fabrics and the sewing is by machine and not always as careful.  They're made to make beautiful photographs and fit a wide variety of brides.  I'm only a size 8, but there were other bridal salons where I could barely fit in the samples!  I can only imagine being more curvy that it would be very frustrating to not even be able to try on the dresses you like.  And super skinny girls have to have it pinned so much they can barely tell what the dress would really look like.  So DB is fantastic for that, too, since they have so much on the racks!

    However, I think a lot of people go to DB because they think that's all they can afford, when in fact there are plenty of designer dresses for people who are size 8-10 or smaller that are available as sample dresses for the same or less than DB dresses - many have nicer fabric and nicer stitching.  Does that mean DB dresses are bad?  Absolutely not, if the bride feels comfortable in the fabric and checks the stitching, then great!  They're also known for not usually having the best service, and that goes along with their general concept of being budget-friendly so the sales people aren't incentivized with high commissions so they don't get the highest quality staff.

    Anyway, they only read the fact that I said she could get better quality somewhere else for the same price (I may have said DB dresses can be cheaply made, and that just caused a firestorm) and like I said, deliberately misconstrued anything I said thereafter.  I'm a snob, I throw my budget in their faces, blah blah blah.  They just didn't like me, and they were not going to like anything I had to say anyway.  There's a few girls I like a lot on the board, but I now keep in touch with them off TK.



  • edited December 2011
    hahah Hike we really didn't do anything.. Here is the thread:

    You can tell I was totally oblivious to it all.. :P But this particular person tends to post really random, irrelevant threads which I think people were just getting tired of because our board has like.. 10-20 new threads a DAY.. so random ones just take up moret space
    Like this one by her (if you want random, entertaining reading material :P ) :
  • edited December 2011
    Calindi you hit me right on the head with a point you made about girls going there thinking it's the only place they can afford.
    *raises hand*
    That was totally me. that's why I immediately started having buyer's remorse when I came home with the dress because I realized that I could have gotten one that fit me better for the same price if I had taken the time.. -_-  Also, there were a bunch of dresses at DB that I wanted to try on that my consultant didn't even pull and was just "no" about.. so that was a bummer... Oh well. Fi is fixing the situation so I'm pleased :P
    Sorry for the tangent.. haha.. I just immediately agreed when I read that piece because that was 100% me about wedding gown shopping. I thought DB was all I could afford since my budget was 1g.
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    FTL, I do get annoyed when people become super picky on grammar and spelling like the girl in the post where you were oblivious and happened to type a word wrong.  Sure, if it's not legible, then comment.  I have a hard time with no punctuation or no capitals (or worse, ALL capitals!) but otherwise, whatevs.  I think some people just are wound a bit too tightly sometimes!



  • edited December 2011

    Now I always type "horriple" in my comments on the board. :P hehehe... She was, of course, just teasing me. I definitely understand everyone pointing out the OP's crazyness though. I mean... If you are posting a thread, you should do some checking since you are asking people to comment on your thoughts, questions, whatevers. 

  • desertsundesertsun member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011

    You are right, Calindi. SOME people on NEY didn't like you.

    Big whoop. 

    So someone drug up a two month old thread. That doesn't mean you had to respond. You don't have to keep on talking about it. You don't have to use words like nitwits and vultures. 

    What's done is done.

    Be the bigger person. Stop name calling, stop whining, stop stirring the pot, and stop caring about what internet people think of you and say about you. You know who you are. Stick to the boards you like and don't worry about the rest.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    She asked why I might be banned... I explained.  Seriously, Desert, you're only proving my point.  Why did you feel the need to come over here in the first place?

    I am being the bigger person - I left and haven't badmouthed anyone specifically, which I can't say for you or most people on NEY. "Nitwits" and "vultures" is tame compared to what I was called.

    As you know, it's a public forum, and I can continue posting where I want and what I want as long as it doesn't violate the rules. So live and let live. 



  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Test</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Test : I remember that thread! First! What did you do to her?? :-)
    Posted by LetsHikeToday[/QUOTE]
    omg it was SO stupid. There are eleventy gazillion posts like "AW: I stalk my mailbox!" "AW: First wedding present" etc, to a point where you can't even find anything on the board. So people got stabby about it, the mods suggested compiling those types of posts into dailies. Everyone's happy. Then she AW'd something and a few of the regs got <em>real</em> stabby and it turned a smidge ugly, but nothing really bad. I stayed out of most of it but it was so tame it's laughable.
  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    Wow ETA, should have kept reading. Tongue out
  • edited December 2011

    Calindi, after this person just flipped out on your thread, I decided to go stalk you and find that thread that has caused this GIGANTIC deal.
    Now, I don't know how you have been in the past on that board overall... but in that PARTICULAR thread (as an unbiased person that has read nothing but JUST that thread), I don't get it. I have heard you and many others (including myself) come off way more judgemental than that little piece... and then it just got blown up... I mean.. I get by the comment about "bigger girls" and DB may have offended a couple ... bigger girls? But other than that... I felt like you were just pointing out that she can get similar prices elsewhere. In fact, I didn't know that when I first started dress shopping so I only went to DB... I wish I had found TK boards sooner and would ahve been more aware.
    I understand why they got a little pissy with you, but I can tell by that thread that you were just trying to put your two sense in for OP to know she has options elsewhere too (ie, not to put all eggs in the one basket that is DB as so many of us have). Idk.. and again I don't know what other threads you have commented in on NEY were about, but in that particular one, they clearly jumped the gun on you, and everything you said after that was just supporting your claim and defending yourself. Sorry you had such unwarrented drama :/

    Irish- hahahahahha.... We still have sooo many threads, but at least it's toned down a bit.. I never had an issue with watson myself.. I clearly was oblivious to everyone's tension with her O.o I think I am oblivious to a lot.. There are probably a TON of girls that hate me while I'm just in la la land :P hahaha

  • edited December 2011
    Math Lesson:

    If I remember correctly ,there were plenty of name calling/and bashing about Cali before she posted what she did.
    It went on for 24 hours non stop from at least 4 people, and one during that time out right called Cali a b!tch,and some over there got their panties in a wad by Cali calling some dimwits!?! and you have now come over to this board and tell Cali to be the bigger person. Really now, who actually is the grown up and the bigger person here? 

    Cali posted here to ask a question, not a statement like msjenna did over at ney to start the bashing, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that is exactly why she posted it. . 1- plus one + = - 

    Lesson 2
    How to determine who is the bigger person:

    Well, let's see how this adds up in the past 4 took Cali  24 hours to post over on the NEY board after SOME, 4-6 people, continually bashed her. All that time Cali showed restraint, poise, and was nonconfrontational on the boards. If we ARE to add more to this equation, which we will, someone maybe reported her for using the word DIMWITS?! when she had every right back then to report at least one person but, being the bigger that she is, as YOU now suggested. She didn't report anything while she was being bashed, and called A B!TCH. It took you what, how many hours? like 3! to run over here and then run back and report to the board stating that you posted here.

    So when we add up these past few days mathematically we come to the conclusion that sum(math pun) need to take their own advise they so graciously give out.

    Mathematical word problem solved if you can read, comprehend and equate. The ones who can't, go back to your primary class because this is to advanced for you.

    End of math lesson 101 Class dismissed, as you were
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Test</a>:
    [QUOTE]Re-read my previous post - I don't go on the September board because I don't like the moderator.  She was one of the girls in NEY, and I have a feeling she's the one who sent my FI that picture (if she's not, she certainly defended their actions a LOT)
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Well that is quite an accusation. What ever amounted to finding the sender's IP address and finding out who it was? That's right, nothing. While we are making accusations, I always felt you made that e-mail situation up to try and gain sympathy with the board and get things back to normal. I think you saw becoming a victim the solution. </div><div>
    </div><div>And the "defense" you thought I gave the alleged e-mailer was stating that you left yourself open and vulnerable to such an attack, and said that you and your FI were not using effective Facebook privacy settings. Whoever might or might not have found his e-mail either got it from Facebook or you said his full name at some point on TK and Googling him was an option. I wasn't excusing their actions, wheather cautioning you to be more careful. I agree that leaving your door unlocked does not justify an intruder, but come on, lock your door and at least make it harder to be attacked. </div><div>

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