Military Brides


I forget what Tuesday is supposed to be but how about rainy day vents/irritations/confessions?

imageBabyFruit Ticker

Re: Tuesday-

  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011

    Vent- I wrote this on SB already but....

    My good friend and coworker got an e-mail from a former coworker who now works at another school. Old coworker's son is in coworkers class. Her e-mail was saying she heard coworker was pregnant. Coworker, who just had a baby in Feb, wrote back and said who did you hear that from (not confirming or denying). Old coworker wrote back and said "Oh wait, I cleared it up. The real gossip is that LetsHike is pregnant."

    I'm not pregnant. We've been trying for months and it hasn't worked. Good friend coworker wrote back and said, "Please tell whoever is spreading this to stop. Pregnancy rumors can be hurtful."

    Old coworker wrote back, "Oh I know. Iknow they can be. Don't worry, I haven't spread it. It stopped with me and my husband"

    Um, you spread it to coworker friend. Just because she was a BM in my wedding and a good friend doesn't mean it doesn't count as spreading.

    UGH. Leave me alone lady!

    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Wow, what a snot.  That woman clearly doesn't understand how stressful it can be (I don't either as I haven't been through it, but at least I respect someone's privacy about it).

    My vent is just about my boss.  He's an idiot.  I had a huge coup on Friday, setting a really great meeting for the President of our company when he comes to town (I get business development commissions if deals close for meetings that I set, and this could be a HUGE one, like pay-for-our-honeymoon size commission).  Anyway, I forwarded the chain of emails to the President of the company, copying my boss so I didn't step on any toes, just saying, "You have an appointment scheduled with So-and-So at Such-and-Such Company at Xpm on Sept 29th."  And he could scroll down and see my whole chain of conversation with this guy. 

    Anyway, my boss immediately replied-all, copying in the CEO of the company, and wrote, "C did some of this, but I helped draft the email."  Uh, no, you didn't.  And um, I did ALL of it, as anyone with two eyes can clearly see. 

    And then he tells me that he's going on the meeting with the President.  Dude, only if the President tells me you're going.  Otherwise he's going alone, or with me if he wants me to go - I feel like having my boss attend the meeting would trash our chances for getting the deal, whether or not I go.  And if he tries to take credit so he can get some of my commission, that dude's going down hard.

    And with a project we've been working on, I've done 99% of the work, including 10 phone calls with candidates so far, and he's done exactly 0 calls but keeps saying, "We've talked to X people."  Oh really, 'we'?  As in ME?!



  • edited December 2011
    Arg!!! I hate office gossip! I used to work in an office that was nothing but.  Every time you turned around someone was saying something about someone else.  Then everyone's feelings got hurt and the entire office was made to sit down and talk about feelings and words.  Seriously, I felt like I was working with a bunch of 7th graders. 

    My vent- I just found out on Friday that I have to write a report about a conference I went to in May!!! That is ok, I took notes but now looking back at my notes, I am not understanding what I wrote about! 
  • edited December 2011
    I'm sorry Ladies... I'll bake you cookies!! Pumpkin Pecan cookies? Any takers?! They are delightful!!

    I don't have any vents or rants right now... I have an excitement!!!! About my tests yesterday! My math test specifically... I got a 95!!!! Seriously?!!!!! I'm pretty sure that the last time I got an A on a math test was in like 4th grade.  Yayyyyy!!!! I'm totally pysched!!

    This has me in such a great mood!!!! I love all three of you!!!!

    ETA: Crown hadn't posted yet when I started my post, so I added her in there.  I would just put that I love everyone on the board.. but ya know.. I dont.Wink

  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:808cf930-ba6a-4d30-9c87-ba67066010fdPost:162fdca3-f133-45d0-a3e3-ecad9844daeb">Re: Tuesday-</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm sorry Ladies... I'll bake you cookies!! Pumpkin Pecan cookies? Any takers?! They are delightful!! I don't have any vents or rants right now... I have an excitement!!!! About my tests yesterday! My math test specifically... I got a 95!!!! Seriously?!!!!! I'm pretty sure that the last time I got an A on a math test was in like 4th grade.  Yayyyyy!!!! I'm totally pysched!! This has me in such a great mood!!!! I love all three of you!!!! ETA: Crown hadn't posted yet when I started my post, so I added her in there.  I would just put that I love everyone on the board.. but ya know.. I dont.
    Posted by SamiJoeB[/QUOTE]

    Mmmmmm pumpkin pecan?  I may have to take you up on that!  Speaking of, I still haven't send you the British candy I bought for you when I was in London - I'll stop by the post office tomorrow to mail it out to you as a treat for your good grades!!!

    And I'm on Book 13.  I dread finishing the series, simply because it'll be boring not to have the next one.  FI loves that I'm reading them because I'll literally crack up in the middle of reading - we'll be laying in bed reading and I'll just start giggling like a school girl.  So funny! 

    Congrats on the A!!!  Yay!  I'm in a good mood, too, from an awesome Crossfit workout this morning.  But man, my shoulders hurt.  Gonna keep icing and Advil.



  • edited December 2011
    Yes, please...I will take some please.  After all I only have two more days until I start with a nutritionist.  So good bye cookies...hello "no fun food"

    Congrats on the test Sami!!! That is great.  I don't think I even saw a grade like that on a math test ever! HAA!!! Math is the one reason I was a Political Science major in college. 
  • LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I'll take any type of cookie Sami! :-) I'm a cookie hoar!

    Where has the other Sammy been?
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011

    Once again I am highly annoyed by the woman that sits next to me in my cube. She is loud. Talks to herself. And I have a lot of work to do today and not a lot of time. UGH!  


    I also am just taking my capstones this semester at college. And I am highly annoyed by my business capstone group. There are that are 2 good friends, they are perfectionists and like everything to be perfect, and often do the work themselves without talking to the other group members…then they complain that they have to do everything. HELLLOOOOO!? You have to email/call me, don’t complain to me when you don’t ask for help.

  • IrishcurlsIrishcurls member
    edited December 2011
    Ugh the freaking rain is ruining my blowout. But it's been a few days of long luscious straight hair so I guess it's fine. Plus reality starts again and I'm hitting the gym so the curls would be back tonight anyway. Whatever, I'm still complaining about it.

    Sami, send me delicious sounding cookies!!!
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I don't really have a vent today. YET. haha.

    but I do love me some cookies Smile
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:808cf930-ba6a-4d30-9c87-ba67066010fdPost:b0cfb8d3-40dd-449b-842f-887db2392f46">Re: Tuesday-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ugh the freaking rain is ruining my blowout. But it's been a few days of long luscious straight hair so I guess it's fine. Plus reality starts again and I'm hitting the gym so the curls would be back tonight anyway. Whatever, I'm still complaining about it. Sami, send me delicious sounding cookies!!!
    Posted by Irishcurls[/QUOTE]

    Today my curls have won!! I normally fight with them all of the time but one look outside and I gave my flat iron the morning off.  I think my favorite day is the day after I get my hair done.  That is always the best hair day for me. 
  • edited December 2011
    Hike & Calinidi-  Sorry to hear about the work drama.  Some days I just stay put in my x-ray room just to avoid people and their drama.  I know not everyone can do that though.  I hope things clear up!

    My vent is about my mother.  I love her dearly, but she needs to learn to let go sometimes.  I'm the baby and the only girl in the family and currently the only child living at home.  I moved out for a year and she hated every minute of it.  This week FI is going out of town, so I have to stay at his house to watch the dog. (same with next week)  She is so standoffish towards me this week because I am staying over there.  I keep telling her in the nicest way possible "When FI and I are married, you know I won't be living here right?" (not those exact words, but along those lines)

    She loves my FH and she loves me and I know she wants what is best for me, she just has a terrible time letting go sometimes.  It is almost like her lack of letting go is pushing me away.  Idk.  Maybe I'm just being stupid about this.  I should be thankful that I have a mother who doesn't want me to leave, right?
  • edited December 2011

    Are those cookies low carb, Sami?!? Ha ha ha! They sound delicious. My vent is about the owners daughter trying to tell me how to do my job that she has no clue about. Blehhhhh

  • edited December 2011
    I have a vent now!! I just got back from the dermatologist, and apparently I'm allergic to the sun. What?! My dads side of the family is Italian & Polish, and my mom's is mostly Cherokee Indian!! Although there is also a wee bit of Irish on her side (haha.. did you get that..? I made a funny!) but before I spent 2 years in WA, I was always tan, I was a lifeguard for like 4 years! I practically looked Hispanic!!   And now I'm allergic to the sun?!  Whenever I'm out in the sun for more than 10minutes, I get splotchy and red and itchy on my arms, chest and shoulders.  It's all stemming from a particularly henious sun burn I got in April. I hate looking so pale all the time, and I'm not even one to go and fake & bake year around, but I'm not enjoying people seeing my veins.. and not just in the normal places like your wrists.  You can see my veins all over the place!  I used to go to the tanning bed from like October-April, for 10mins per week, to keep up the tan I got in the summer.  ALLERGIC TO THE SUN?! Ughhh.. I have to take 2 zyrtec a day and bathe in spf 30 twice a day (really just put a moisturizer with at least SPF 15 preferably SPF 30 on twice/day), and take a benadryl when I break out in hives.  I know I'm being really over dramatic about this but.. Ugh.  Not something I wanted to hear.. at all.  Oh! and I have a broken toe.. so ya know.. that sucks, especially since there's not really anything you can do for a broken toe.

    Any suggestions for a body moisturizer with SPF? I use Dove soap, and my dermatologist said to stay away from fragrances..Oh and I'm horribly allergic to Aveeno (even though it's supposedly hypoallergenic Thank you Ladies!!

    And if anyone seriously wants cookies, PM with your address!!Smile
  • edited December 2011
    Oh! CAB-they're whole wheat, but not low carb.. sorry!!Frown
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I'm going to add another one..

    My FI's phone is really annoying me today.
    He dropped his phone on Saturday and it apparently is broken...and it is hard for him to respond to text messages or even call.  But I haven't heard from him since yesterday. I have sent him lots of text messages and I haven't gotten one in return. I can't call him because I am at work, and when I get off work he will be at work. But at least on Sunday he texted me a bit, they were missing letters but I still knew he was alive. I just would like some form of communication. Text, Email, Facebook Message....ANYTHING

    I'm not normally this needy, but we had a bet going on about something that was going to happen at his work yesterday (haha) and I want to know if I won the bet!!
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I have no suggestions for a body moisturizer but for face I use cetaphil with spf 15 I think it is. I love it.

    And that sucks! Will the allergy stay that way forever or what?

    Also, I broke my big toe before, you're right it does suck horribly. But a broken elbow sucks more, I broke that too. In fact my H now is making jokes he is going to start taking bets for what I break next.
  • edited December 2011
    Sami-  That is terrible!  I hope the stuff the doctor told you to do helps.  As for lotions, I use cetaphil for a facial lotion.  I love it.  For the rest of your body, perhaps Eucerin or Nivea.  I've used Eucerin.  It is somewhat greasy (but I haven't found many lotions that aren't), but it is thick so it lathers on really well. IMO.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:808cf930-ba6a-4d30-9c87-ba67066010fdPost:1cd56cd4-638a-47c0-8a0a-d62d34ddb73f">Re: Tuesday-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh! CAB-they're whole wheat, but not low carb.. sorry!!
    Posted by SamiJoeB[/QUOTE]

    DAMMIT SAMI! ;) Oh, and look into Dermalogica or Shiseido's SPF skincare. I know they're on the pricer side, but that's what Ebay is for! LOL

    Edit- Look into the Dermalogica solar defense booster... you could add that to your current moisturizer if there is something that already doesn't irritate you.  I found it for $29 bucks online, and it should last a while since you don't use that much of it. HTH!
  • divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Sami- Neutrogena and St. Ives both work for me. Neutrogena especially because they make really lightweight lotions that are meant to be worn year-round as sun protection. I actually use their SPF 50 face lotion on my body.

    My vent right now, other than the dog needs to stop chewing (especially my books) is that Pensacola is becoming a very toxic place very quickly. And I knew this was coming. Pensacola is really all about one thing: planes. Flying them, learning to fly them, looking at them, talking about them. I think I told you guys that FI failed his last flight at IFS, therefore is out of flying for good and he's waiting on re-classification. He was part of the first flight to go through the "new" IFS training, which had it's time shortened by half. I get why the Air Force did this, a lot of people were getting through IFS fine and then washing out of classes. But it sucks for the guys who just went through this one because something like 9 of 11 of them either failed a flight or washed out before their final.

    His re-classification meetings have gone really well, he goes before a board in October and we find out for definite in November. They think because of his educational background and skill set that he'll do well.  FI has really tried to keep a good attitude around the guys on base and in front of his COs, as well as trying not to worry his family (I'm really not planning on telling mine much until we hear back about the re-class, I don't want them to freak out) and he's done a really good job of that. But he's miserable at home.

     He totally broke down at home last night after sitting in a briefing for 3 hours about the plane that was the one he really wanted to fly. But he won't/can't now. It puts him in an awful mood, and I'm trying my best to be supportive. I know that it will get better once he is re-classed (knock on wood/fingers crossed) and he's not around the pilots and their training all the time. But that's at least 3 more months and through the holidays around this. It also calls into question whether he can make this a lifelong career (and he now has no standing contract until he is re-classed) now that he won't have wings. And, of course, I don't have the answer to that. It doesn't help that certian members of his family who know what happened are saying things about him "just trying it again", which is not how this works. I don't know if he would every get another shot at flying (anyone else know?) but I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen, and comments like that just depress him further.

    Sorry for the length, since I haven't told my family or many of my friends about this, there is pretty much one person (mutual really good friend of FI's and mine) that I can talk to about this, but I've already talked his ear off, and he doesn't know much more about the Military than I do.
  • TaeLynneTaeLynne member
    edited December 2011
    Okay so I have a vent
    So I've been engaged for a year now, when I first got engaged my Grandma told me she wanted to make my bouquet and the girls bouquets, great! One less thing for me to do. She went out and bought all these flowers without asking me what I wanted. I disliked them so I asked her if I could do my bouquet and she could do the girls since I had a different idea in mind for mine and I knew she really wanted to help. This was 4 months ago around the time FI left. I haven't heard a single thing about the bouquets since then, I've sent her pics, asked about them, I have got nothing though.

    Sunday at my bridal shower she showed up with all the flowers, put them down in the office and told me she didn't understand what I wanted so I can do them myself.

    I wouldn't have normally cared but I have 5 weeks left and FI is coming home soon so I wanted almost everything done before he got home so we could just hang out and not be stressed about wedding stuff.

    Now the last 2 days I have spent at Hobby Lobby trying to find different flowers for the girls that match my bouquet and I'm totally stressing over the whole situation. I'm mostly just irritated that she even did that to me. Ugh, I can't wait for this wedding to be over with.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sami, that sucks!  My favorite is Neutrogena, but it's pricey.  I don't break out from it, and I do from nearly every other sunscreen so it's worth the cost for me.

    And you have my address... and I'm deadly serious.  Those Stephanie Plum books have me craving sweets and meatball subs and pineapple upside down cake all the freaking time.  It's a good thing I don't like Tastycakes or I might have developed a Stephanie-esque addiction.  The books just invade my brain!



  • edited December 2011
    My Vent
    Our Dog destroyed our couch and made a mess of our apt on sat when she got out. Our fault, okay I get it. I researched and found a place to fix our couch but I friggen can't carry it down 2 flights of stairs and into my vehicle alone and H doesn't want to help. WELL WTF am I suppose to do then mister?

    Vent #2
    My 'N' key is sticking on my keyboard which is mega ANNOYING! I have to type each N at least twice.
  • edited December 2011
    I got some Neutrogena SPF 30, and some Eucerin fragrance free daily moisturizer, and some cetaphil with SPF... (when in doubt.. buy the entire stock of body lotion! right?!)  I use Hope in a Jar with SPF 25 on my face twice a day, and swear by it.  I'll probably put the sunscreen in the Eucerine and try that for a while.  In addition to the Zyrtec twice a day & taking a vitamin D supplement.  The doctor said that since I used to tolerate the sun without any problems, I should at some point be able to again... Fingers crossed because this totally bums me out!!

    CAB-I've used some of their stuff before (Dermalogica)! If this stuff doesn't work, I'll try that!! Thanks!!

    C-I'll send them soon!!! While I was reading them I wanted pretty much EVERYTHING she was eating.  I don't like TastyKakes either, but I love butterscotch so it made me want butterscotch anything!! 18 comes out in November!! I can't wait!!
  • calindicalindi member
    5000 Comments Second Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sam - when does that movie come out?  I feel like that needs to be how we finally have a GTG and meet in person.  I was driving home the other day and wanted to call you and chat, and I realized we've never spoken!  So funny!  We've been email pen-pals for about a year now.



  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Tuesday-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sam - when does that movie come out?  I feel like that needs to be how we finally have a GTG and meet in person. <strong> I was driving home the other day and wanted to call you and chat, and I realized we've never spoken!  So funny!  We've been email pen-pals for about a year now.</strong>
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    I know!!!! I do this all the time!!! I'm constantly thinking about things, or want to tell you stuff while I'm out!!  Happy Anniversary dear friend!! I'm going to go bake your Anniversary cookies right now!! The movie is supposed to come out Jan 27th according to IMDB <a href="" target="_blank">(Clicky!)</a>
  • ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    Ninth Anniversary 2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Yes January!! I can't  wait!

    Also, C you're on 13 now right? 12 was my FAVORITE one of the series. It still is my favorite actually.

    Also, Sami, I miss our emails! I have sucked lately with emailing anyone. Let's get back on that :)
  • edited December 2011
    GG-I miss them too!! Email me anytime!!

    I have another new vent... I went to my staff meeting tonight (Every Tuesday from 7-9pm), and a few weeks ago during work my boss was like "I really want to take you to convention, it's at the end of October in DC" I was like um Okay! So now tonight in the middle of our staff meeting she's like "Sami, since you're leaving at the end of the year, I don't really want to waste the money on taking you to convention".

    OKay, I completely understand where she's coming from but, first of all.. she asked me to go, second, she could have come up with a much nicer way to say that (and not in front of other people!) and lastly, It's not like I want to quit, but I'm sorry after more than a year away from my new husband, I'm going to pick him over this job any day.  I'm scared to death that I won't even be able to find another job when I do move.  I've thought about coming back and working like a Thursday, Friday Saturday on the weekends that H has duty every month, which is really not even worth the gas money it would cost me to drive the 3 1/2 hour commute.  I work my butt off for her, and tonight I just felt really unappreciated.  Like why should I waste 2 hours every Tuesday to come and sit here and talk about things and brainstorm for things that I won't even be here for? Why should I upload pictures from our parties and promotions to the website, & Walmart, order pictures, and then use my gas to go pick them up when I very obviously have an expiration date so am therefore less important than the other employees... I know she didn't mean it to hurt my feelings, but it did... Hmph.
  • KendallR10KendallR10 member
    edited December 2011
    My vent is about being so tired. I hate it I sleep like 8 hours a night and I'm still tired.
    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
  • AmandaSC1988AmandaSC1988 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Tuesday-</a>:
    [QUOTE]My vent is about being so tired. I hate it I sleep like 8 hours a night and I'm still tired.
    Posted by KendallR10[/QUOTE]

    <div>I get 5 hours a night if I am lucky.  </div><div>
    </div><div>Vitamins help a lot to make you feel less sleepy when you have the sleep</div>
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