Afternoon Ladies!
I heard from FI last night that he had finally completed SERE training in Washington. I'm very excited! He wasn't able to tell me much, but we did have a good laugh over some of the wilderness part. As for the resistance, interrogation portion he wasn't able to tell me ANYTHING! He was able to send me pictures of his bruises that sustained during this phase, and the detective in me has serious suspicions on how they got there.
REGARDLESS, I understand that the purpose of this training is to provide the skills and knowledge so Pilots know what to do in the event that their plane goes down across enemy lines or heaven forbid they are captured. I have no doubt that this training has made him a better Soldier.
Here is where I need advice. This is my first experience with classified missions and training--- and him not being able to share or tell me what happened, because of my lack of security clearance.

I am having a heard time shutting of the investigator part of my brain this morning and today. I am wondering what these people were saying about me and his family and what on earth went on in that room that he can never talk about again!
Those that have gone through this before, how can I, as his partner be there for him and support him effectively without knowing what's going on!? I know this isn't going to be last time I am not told things, obviously, so I'd like to learn now how to know when to not ask questions and just be there when he needs me.
Thanks ladies! I'm looking forward to hearing your advice!