Military Brides

wedding colors that match his uniform

I'm newly engaged to a soldier in the army..My fiance won't help me figure out what colors will go with his uniform he has to wear for the wedding..i beleive its his dress blues he has to wear but not sure and he is no anyone have any color ideas that might work. im so lost on this part Frown

Re: wedding colors that match his uniform

  • edited December 2011
    Don't worry about being matchy matchy. FI is in the Marine Corps and he will be wearing his Blues as well and the girls will be in black. Our colors are pale pink, black and ivory. 
    Personally, I hate when people try to literally match the uniforms. Like for Marine uniform for instance, they are basically navy/royal blue and red; a popular BM option then becomes red dresses. blahh - again, just personal opinion. 
    Army Blues are really similar to Marine Blues with the exception of the red piping (I believe) so depending on your venue and the time of year, I'd say you can have whatever colors you want. You don't need to "match" the Army uniform, just need a complimentary color: almost any pastel colors would work, ivory, black would be fine, rich jewel tones too. It's your wedding, you get to have what you want. 
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  • edited December 2011
    Your colors don't have to match perfectly. Like PP, my FI is a Marine and we're not worrying about matching the uniform. Our colors are black, white, and silver. The bridesmaids will be in black. Don't worry about matching them perfectly. Just pick a color you and your FI both like. 
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  • iluvmytxrgriluvmytxrgr member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    1. The military doesn't require you to wear a uniform when you get married.  He doesn't have to wear it.  He can make a choice to wear a uniform, a tux or a suit.  My H wore a button down shirt and khakis to our wedding. 
    2.  Don't try to match the uniform.  It rarely works.  Just pick colors you like.  I have seen every thing from lime green and pink to burgundy and silver for military weddings.  They all work. 
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: wedding colors that match his uniform</a>:
    [QUOTE]1. The military doesn't require you to wear a uniform when you get married.  He doesn't have to wear it.  He can make a choice to wear a uniform, a tux or a suit.  My H wore a button down shirt and khakis to our wedding.  2.  Don't try to match the uniform.  It rarely works.  Just pick colors you like.  I have seen every thing from lime green and pink to burgundy and silver for military weddings.  They all work. 
    Posted by iluvmytxrgr[/QUOTE]


    If he's in the Army and wants to do a uniform, I imagine dress blues (aka Class A's) would be the one to wear (that's what Fi is wearing and I'm not aware of anything else that would be appropriate -maybe Class B's for a casual wedding???) But you guys can decide if he'll go with a uniform or civilian clothes.

    The uniform should go nicely with anything, and it would be a pain in the butt to try to find stuff that matches exactly. People always seem to worry about this, but if you find some pictures of military weddings you'll see it's true!
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  • edited December 2011
    If he is infantry, you could do a cornflower blue to match his blue cord and add an accent color. 
  • edited December 2011
    I'm not aware of any rule or regulation that says he "has" to wear his uniform. I would leave that up to him.  Also, ditto everything PP's said about matching. If you try to be matchy matchy, it very rarely works out. 
  • edited December 2011
    We chose to have the guys in uniform but that was just a personal choice on our part. H is in the Army.  The color what we chose for the girls was called clover.  It is a really pretty light green.  It worked with the uniforms and venue since our wedding was outside.  Really the uniforms pretty much go with any my opinion. 
  • edited December 2011
    Iam a wedding desginer.
    hope this helps!

    I feel you should pic the colors and styles that reflect your personalty. what's your favorate colors! navy Blue(dress Blue) goes with everything!
     Also you can pick what goes with the season of your wedding& picking a theme helps with colors too!
    you can always do a white wedding and keep it lush and beautiful

    happy planning
  • edited December 2011
    I agree that you don't have to match the uniform at all, however I am in love with my colors of navy blue and yellow! and they just so happen to match his army uniform, which is blue with a yellow stripe down the pant. If you google "navy and yellow weddings" the images are gorgeous and very fun in my opinion!  and they match perfectly to the new army uniform. But like I said it doesnt have to match. Just go with whatever colors YOU like!
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  • sclawrence11sclawrence11 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thank you ladies..all your suggetions are very helpful..i was told by a few different people that he had to wear his uniform. but if he can wear a tux that is much more helpfull.thanks ladies :)
  • edited December 2011
    my FI is in the Marine's and he will be in his dress blues. The colors for our wedding are black, white & hot pink. The black and white is paisley. He left all the planning to me (he is in bootcamp) and he said to just do what I wanted. I've been playing with the idea of changing the colors but that would be too much of a hassle. The one thing I made sure of though was my dress. It's all white (with just a white sash) no beading, no nothing, really simple. Atleast for our pictures we will match somewhat, but I say go with what you & him want! & if he leaves the colors up to whatcha want!
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  • edited December 2011
    I agree that you shouldn't try too hard to match the uniforms exactly. You should choose colors that you love! That being said, it's not a bad idea to pick colors that complement the uniforms. You do have to look at the pictures for the rest of your life! I've seen military weddings done where the bridesmaid dress just completely clash with the uniform. Our main color is pink with touches of purple and blue. Most of these colors would work with the uniforms but we actually chose a cornflower color for the BM dresses. It's a grayish color with a blue tint. I wanted to go with a more neutral color so it would look nice next to the uniforms and I'll just use more color with the flowers! Just my thoughts! Good Luck!
  • edited December 2011
    We went royal blue and yellow.. I really loved those colors together.. I suppose I could have done anything since FI is wearing his dress whites, but I wanted to do some matching without it looking cheesy.
    You're open to anything really. and NO he does NOT have to wear his uniform.. hah.. But if he wants to, let him! I'm excited for FI to be in his whites :)
  • julieadamskijulieadamski member
    edited December 2011
    As of right now, the colors for my wedding is navy blue, yellow, and black. My FI is in the Army and will be wearing his blues as well. But after reading everyone's comments...I'm so torn!! I want the b.maids dresses to compliment the blues, but I also don't want them to clash, and now that I'm thinking, the blue for the dresses may clash. But here's what I would definitely go for: choose pretty yellow flowers for the b.maids' bouquets to compliment the yellow on the blues!

    And now that I'm thinking about it...the blue on the Army's dress blues' pants is like a dark cornflower/dark aqua color anyways! Not at all navy blue! More like a light royal blue? Thoughts??
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