Okay, first happy news - my boss finally got fired yesterday! So I don't have to deal with him anymore.
In other news, I apparently have shingles. WTF?! I mentioned yesterday that I had a rash from the cleaning products used on my clothes, but it wasn't getting better, so I went to the doctor today. I have shingles, not an allergic reaction! It's chicken pox that has been dormant in my system since I had it as a toddler, and due to lowered immune system, it has come back to haunt me. Apparently the amount of stress I've been under has seriously made me sick.
I'm really contagious to anyone who has never had chicken pox or the vaccine. While people can't catch shingles, I can give people chicken pox, which is seriously bad for adults. Luckily FI has had chicken pox, so he can't get it. Soooo.... it means the 3 partners who have been in town have to go get chicken pox vaccines today because none of them have had chicken pox and I saw them all last night. Yep, this is officially the worst timing EVER (okay, the week before my wedding might have been worse, or when pregnant since it can hurt a fetus, but still seriously, this is BAD timing!). All the partners are in town, we have a huge event tomorrow that I absolutely cannot go to. I'm stuck at home trying to do work, but I'm miserably itchy and it burns like crazy and super sore! And apparently the pain will last weeks if not months. GAH!
Anyone ever had this or know someone who had it? The doctor wanted me to stay home for 2 weeks, but there's no way that will happen - I'm contageous until Saturday, so I'll go in on Monday.