Military Brides

Chit Chat Anyone?

I'm currently waiting for One Tree Hill to come on and dealing with FI's ass of a best man. I need a drink :(

What's everyone else up to?

Re: Chit Chat Anyone?

  • It hasn't been very good since Chad and Hilarie left. I'm just faithful since I have watched it since the beginning.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]It hasn't been very good since Chad and Hilarie left. I'm just faithful since I have watched it since the beginning.
    Posted by kara811[/QUOTE]
    I actually love it without them! I think they should've just left it with last season. They didn't know if they were getting another season til the day the finale aired so they like already tied everything up
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]It hasn't been very good since Chad and Hilarie left. I'm just faithful since I have watched it since the beginning.
    Posted by kara811[/QUOTE]

    Never seen that show, but I feel that way about Grey's Anatomy sometimes.  It was really good, and then it was pretty good, and now it just has people like me who watch it for the nostalgia.  But I miss Izzie and George!



  • Sort of here, watching some Australian Open on espn3. My apartment is freezing so I have my hood on and a glass of wine poured. 
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:e8c2e93e-f3f6-4174-92e7-5c0fc8bf3096Post:0d594f63-6891-4446-a01c-6d3ba1ecd05e">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Chit Chat Anyone? : Never seen that show, but I feel that way about Grey's Anatomy sometimes.  It was really good, and then it was pretty good, and now it just has people like me who watch it for the nostalgia.  But I miss Izzie and George!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    Me too...and I can't stand Kepner!!!

    PS...Katherine Heigel did an interview where she said she asked to come back to the show.  It was on one of those tabloidy sites so IDK if it's true.
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  • Sorta here! Watching abc Wednesday night comedies.

    My eye started itching so now I'm paranoid, because they 2-year-old I nanny may have pink eye. I really don't want pink eye! I don't think I've ever had it before.
  • Arg, H went to a PCS informational meeting today and now I'm all freaking out. I need more information!!
  • Irish, I heart you. It's ok.

    I'm sitting here, drinking wine, watching Family Guy, much needed after this day. 

  • Heart you Geeg! 
  • Ugh! FI just got home and apparently his best man texted him. I told his best man he needs to respect me. He told me I was stupid for making my status what it is (protest to SOPA) and when I got rear ended he texted me saying quit my b*tching bc their insurance will pay for it. Didn't even ask if I was ok. I told him he needs to respect me and doesn't need to text me everytime he doesn't agree with a status I have. He also plays the my job is harder than yours with my FI. BM is a reserve cop for a tiny town! It really pisses me off he tries to do that. I told him a true friend wouldn't do that and just respect each other. He's also been pretty much harrassing my best friend bc he wanted to hook up with her. He got really mean to her about something (not gonna say) and she was like fine don't talk to me now he keeps texting her. He said I need to back off and stay out of everything and I told him he needs to leave her alone because she's my best friend and she constantly tells FI and me she doesn't know what to do. Ugh! I'm so irritated and stressed!
  • Katelyn: ditto. I feel like it should have just been left like that last season. Hilarie and Chad were the 2 main characters, Chad was the center of it all. It just doesn't work out for me without them. I'm watching American Idol now.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Katelyn: ditto. I feel like it should have just been left like that last season. Hilarie and Chad were the 2 main characters, Chad was the center of it all. It just doesn't work out for me without them. I'm watching American Idol now.
    Posted by kara811[/QUOTE]
    Chad's coming back this season. I'm interested to see how they play it
  • Yeah. I heard that, but only for an episode towards the end I think. Hilarie should come back too!!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah. I heard that, but only for an episode towards the end I think. Hilarie should come back too!!
    Posted by kara811[/QUOTE]
    I don't think she is and I know she was on White Collar for a while. I'm wondering if she'll be back on that show and that's not why she's coming back maybe?
  • Zims-best bet is to let your FI know and let him handle it. If he isn't going to be mature, no matter what you say it isn't going to work. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Zims-best bet is to let your FI know and let him handle it. If he isn't going to be mature, no matter what you say it isn't going to work. 
    Posted by ggirl2001[/QUOTE]
    Yeah FI's texting him now. I don't wanna see him lose a friend and his best man but his best man has been immature for a while now. He told him if he keeps talking to me like that we're gonna have problems and you need to leave her friend alone. And some other stuff. I just hope his best man will be mature and admit he's wrong and apologize. I just couldn't take his friend sending me rude texts ugh :(
  • I'm here.  Watching Modern Family.

    Anyone know how to resize on VP?  I am trying to make some photoshare cards and I resized them but it's cutting off the edges when I upload the image.  Very frustrating.
  • I honestly probably wouldn't even worry about an apology so much as for him to just stop and grow up. Chances are, an apology might not happen, but at least he can stop.

    FWIW, one of H's friends HATED me for the longest time (for no reason). H spoke to him about it, as did some of his other friends (this was when we just started dating). I always just killed him with kindness, eventually him and H just grew apart. That tends to happen when friends pair off and one of them hates it. 
  • Omg Spiffy how funny is Lily swearing and the dresses?!?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I honestly probably wouldn't even worry about an apology so much as for him to just stop and grow up. Chances are, an apology might not happen, but at least he can stop. FWIW, one of H's friends HATED me for the longest time (for no reason). H spoke to him about it, as did some of his other friends (this was when we just started dating). I always just killed him with kindness, eventually him and H just grew apart. That tends to happen when friends pair off and one of them hates it. 
    Posted by ggirl2001[/QUOTE]
    Yeah I feel bad. FI feels like 2 of his groomsmen and him have drifted apart. One is engaged and we're in the WP for them and the guy lost like all of his friends bc all he cares about is his FI. And then there's this guy
  • ZIms- it's weird to me that he texts you that much. I'd start by defriending him on FB
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Yeah I'd agree, none of H's friends text me regularly, unless we're trying to make tee times or they're showing me pics of their new babies. And it sounds like your FI is going to talk to him, but I'd do what Gg suggested and just be kind in your own right and eff whatever weird drama he's trying to create. Smile and ignore!
  • Katelyn: ditto the ladies. I'm not in that kind of communication with H's.friends even though.ive become close to.some of them. Let your FI handle.this situation. Just ignore.the guy for now.
  • I would never, EVER engage in a conversation via text.  It will not clarify anything, it will not solve anything, all it does is lead to people saying things they wouldn't say face-to-face and interpreting things wrong since they can't hear tone of voice.

    Stop telling your fiance's friend to respect you, that just seems juvenile and pointless.  You don't respect him, clearly, and obviously neither of you like each other. And why would you fiance hang out with someone who doesn't respect you in the first place?  He made someone who doesn't like you his best man?  That's just sad.

    Let your FI deal with it - don't talk to his best man at all.  Unfriend him on Facebook and don't respond to any texts.  What goes on in your life is none of his business, and you really don't need to bother responding to him.



  • He used to be fine with me and now he's being weird. FI has known him since he moved to where his parents are. His best man was his first friend there (FI was an Army brat). I really do try to respect him and I know I shouldn't have said this but they're working it out now and I think it'll be fine. Can anyone tell me how to make your fb profile limited to groups of people?
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:e8c2e93e-f3f6-4174-92e7-5c0fc8bf3096Post:ffa81a63-29bc-4052-ba98-bdba63d146e6">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would never, EVER engage in a conversation via text.  It will not clarify anything, it will not solve anything, all it does is lead to people saying things they wouldn't say face-to-face and interpreting things wrong since they can't hear tone of voice. Stop telling your fiance's friend to respect you, that just seems juvenile and pointless.  You don't respect him, clearly, and obviously neither of you like each other. And why would you fiance hang out with someone who doesn't respect you in the first place?  He made someone who doesn't like you his best man?  That's just sad. Let your FI deal with it - don't talk to his best man at all.  Unfriend him on Facebook and don't respond to any texts.  What goes on in your life is none of his business, and you really don't need to bother responding to him.
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    This.  People's emotions can be misconstrued in text and on the internet.  Things like this need to be said in person.
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  • I believe go to your privacy settings and you can do it that way. I have people that can only see select things. 

  • Yeah, Katelyn, I'd suggest going to Privacy and setting it as "Custom" and selecting ONLY the people you want to see your stuff - it's the best way to control it!  It does make it super private, but I prefer it that way myself. 

    Spiffy - I can help!  I'll PM you my email address - if you send me the thing you're trying to resize and what it needs to fit, I can make it fit perfectly.



  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:e8c2e93e-f3f6-4174-92e7-5c0fc8bf3096Post:0746e6fa-1a3f-4d57-a4bc-7ab3231abe67">Re: Chit Chat Anyone?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah, Katelyn, I'd suggest going to Privacy and setting it as "Custom" and selecting ONLY the people you want to see your stuff - it's the best way to control it!  It does make it super private, but I prefer it that way myself.  Spiffy - I can help!  I'll PM you my email address - if you send me the thing you're trying to resize and what it needs to fit, I can make it fit perfectly.
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    I was playing with the lists and put quite a few people in restricted like co workers and the best man. He was talking to FI and apparently I always put him down and yeah we joke but I don't put him down every freaking conversation. I'm just gonna limit talking to him. FI doesn't even want toasts at the wedding because he's drifiting from his guys
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