Military Brides

classes and class song and "there's an app for that"

So i've been near Rucker . . .

Those odd ball required/recommended classes were today. Hilarious!! (never thought I'd enjoy an army run class) The first instructor had a very sick sense of sarcastic humor. It was very funny after I almost killed myself getting there on time and made it there with only 2 minutes to spare. That may not freak out anyone else, but I'm one of those always 30 minutes early people. Thanks FI!! didn't find out about the class time change until 10 minutes before I was supposed to be there to go with the group to the class. 25-30 minutes drive to post, oops? Good thing I woke up early and my car goes vroom -------/o---O\

The second wasn't as fun (a quieter personality) but actually picked on Fi for pushing my roller chair across the room when he told all the spouses/sig. others to stop acting like we didn't know each other and sit closer together like we missed each other. I'm so happy i'm planning to marry a nice considerate loving person :P

It was also weird because it was more addressing the change from enlisted to nco/officer and how to share the info with other dependants, gfs or fis and how they need to handle it with their enlisted men/women. Made a lot more sense to me once i figured that out - but still odd because it was a lot of keep thank you cards in your desk, don't mess up at the dining in, you aren't going to salute everyone that walks around now they have to salute you too, you have to pay attention to what side of the stupid car you sit on (really?), making sure you don't get passed over for your WOC 3 promotion, file a will because it's free, tricare is the bomb, say please and thank you even if your wanting to ring their neck, i have commitment issued since i don't want to fold my clothes and use clean dishes right out the dishwasher (that is a quote from a PCS talk).

heard the class song today - omg so funny it will be my make me smile inside for a good while if not forever it was so funny. Reminded me of high school Rally (intermurals? what others call them at their school?) cheers. . . except they were in camo and royal purple shirts with evil piranhas on them and baseball caps. what?!?! thought i'd share.

also random fact. Can't salute correctly? there is an app for that no lie thank you etiquette class for this funny video that had us all rolling on the ground.

Re: classes and class song and "there's an app for that"

  • edited December 2011
    Wait... they told you to salute? or your Fi? I'm glad you had fun though!!!
  • edited December 2011
    Haha I wonder if the class song is the same as FI's, if so I agree it's hilarious.  And FI and the other guys in his class made up their own little dance to it!  lol

    Sounds like that was a fun day ! 
    And ditto Sami on the salute thing..???
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  • edited December 2011
    they are different for every class. it was funny stuff.

    no the etiquette class addressed them saluting superiors as well as correcting enlisted on how to salute so the guy showed the app for whatever reason.

    he did mention that he brings his wife to do training through because she had some kind of surgery that required plates to be put in her arm so now it can only bend at a 45 degree angle so she can do the "perfect salute" but no it was a book class not an action class and we have no reason as civilians to salute and it was addressing us merely in  a spouse or significant other capacity not if we were active and would have to do that.
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