Military Brides

Whatever Wednesday!

Rants? Confessions? Funny Stories? New Years Resolutions? Share them!! 

Newbs!! Intro yourselves!!

Re: Whatever Wednesday!

  • Morning Sami :)

    I am pretty excited. Only 12 hours worth of a workday stand between me and 5 days off- I'm going to grab dinner with my sister (MOH) and catch up some because even though we saw each other at Christmas, we didn't really get to "talk".... and then I'm going to head to bed to wake up super early to start my drive to FL. I'm just as excited to meet up with amh as I am to see FI, and he knows it! LOL. 

    I'm ready for the New Year. One of my resolutions is to get married! lol. A big resolution of mine is to be more consistent with my workouts and eating than I have been the past few months. I think it's just been holiday craziness; but I haven't been nearly as consistent as I was for the first 3/4 of the year. 

    How about you Sami?!
    wedding1 Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    Ehh.. I'm at work, I have been since like 5am, and I've had 1 member today. 1 and we've been open for more than 2 hours?  I've done my workout for the day, and so now I'm working on the scrapbook to give to our boss from the staff.  We got her a $25 gift card for a massage, a gift certificate for a Mani Pedi, and the scrapbook.  I don't mind doing it, but at the same I'm like.. Hello!! a little help other than money!!!  sheesh! 

    I get to make a Hobby Lobby run after work today and that is always so dangerous!! 

    Fire-I'm totally jealous of your GTG with AMH!! 

    My resolution(s) so far, just to keep getting in better shape.  I want to lost 15lbs by Valentine's day and just make sure that I work out 4-5 days per week.  Also, I'm going to start training for the Disney Princess half so I can run it next year with C & Hike & Crown (Ya'll are doing it with me! You have no choice!) and hopefully some other girls from here!!  I wanted to do it this year, but I think that with H PCSing & me in school and stuff it's just not going to work out..
  • Morning ladies!

    I don't normally rant or vent on here but I will today. H and I have been quite frustrated with Navy personnel. He hasn't gotten 1 correct paycheck since we transferred here almost 3 months ago. Last night while we were checking our accounts, we found out that for this paycheck coming up, he's missing $1K! It wouldn't be so frustrating if it's a one time thing, but this has been happening to every single paycheck he's gotten, although those other ones are not as messed up as this one. We know how it happened though, they messed up the past couple of months and were supposed to fix it and now they mess up again. To top it off, apparently H was overpaid COLA while he was in Japan, so they've been taking money away for that every paycheck too, but for some reason, this month they decided to take about 3-4 times more than they usually take. 

    Anyway, to summarize it all, H's pay is just all sorts of fvcked and he's talked to personnel about it so many times. Luckily we have our money market and other savings to fall back on on rainy days like these.

    I'm still feeling a bit crappy this morning, how are you doing Sami? 
  • Good morning ladies!

    Last night was kind of a bummer, but exciting too. My cousin had her last chemo treatment yesterday (yay!) but when we went over to her house to visit, I would've never recognized her if I didn't know it was her. She's been wearing this wrap on her head for a while, but now her eyebrows and eyelashes are almost completely gone. Not to mention she has lost SO much weight. Luckily she has a really great husband to help take care of her! And now that she had her last chemo treatment, she can move on to radiation for a while, then hopefully be done! Cancer can suck it!

    My New Years resolutions are:
    1) Go to the gym 5 days/week
    2) GTG with Kara more (it's nice having a friend in VA!)
    3) Save as much money as possible
  • Sami and Kara - I hope you two are feeling better!!
    Kara - That really stinks about your H's pay, I bet that can be super frustrating!! Money always stresses me out. Hang in there and I really hope they get it fixed soon!!
    Sami - I wish you were closer, but we will GTG soon! and C too!!
    Fire - I'm super excited for our Friday GTG! :)

    Today I get to go try on/pick up my dress!!! AND all of our A List (family/OOT) invites are printed, stamped, and sealed and will be mailed off today!! I also get to go pick up FI's birthday gift (his birthday is tomorrow) I was able to get him this awesome gun part he's been wanting.

    My New Years Resolution:
    1. Stress Less - I stress out wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much and I really need to stop and just relax and let things happen. Stressing about them really won't help out at all.
    2. I want to just be healthier overall. I really need to find a hot yoga studio closer to here and start going again, I really loved hot yoga in VB - Virginia Ladies I highly highly recommend Hot House Yoga on Laskin - your first class is free and they do military discounts too! Mid day classes tend to be less busier.
    3. Stop being such a control freak. I seriously freak out if things aren't 'right/neat/tidy' in our house. And I need to just let it go. It's called living, things don't need to be 100% clean 100% of the time.
    4. Get Married!!! Okay - not a resolution, but still.. something to be super excited about!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • TK won't let me edit - But I wanted to add that I worked out this morning! :) That never happens, but I actually got my happy butt up at 7am, after a horrible nights sleep and worked out. It wasn't a huge workout, it was just this ballet workout video, but I did it and I am pretty proud of myself.
    Oh and my boss/family friend is stopping by today on her way back to VB to say hello and see our house! :)

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • This morning FI left at 3AM.  I am pretty sad because I don’t know when I can see him again, and would have to be just a weekend not for a long 10 days. Oh well, I am thankful I got to see him for so long, so I really can’t complain. But, I am in a bit of a down mood today.. I would love to sit in my bed and eat chocolate.  Maybe it is just me, but I can be fine with not seeing him for months and it does not really phase me. But, when he leaves (or I leave) it is much worse than if I had not seen him at all.

    Anyway, I hardly do resolutions because I can’t even follow them for a week. Ha. I’d probably do something about eating healthier and being healthier. That and not getting stressed and going with the flow more.
  • So my rant for the day... FI informed me last night that his motorcycle (which has already been a point of contention) is currently missing. Apparently the guy FI was sharing a storage unit with decided last month to change units and to be honest I'm not quite sure what happened then... basically FI's bike got "lost" in the process, and according to the other guy, somebody found it, reported it abandoned, and has been trying to get in contact with FI... yet nobody can tell FI who this person is. It's frustrating, and I don't believe it. The guy FI was sharing a unit with already has a history of taking other people's things and selling them, soooo yeah. I just wish FI would get off his go-with-the-flow attitude and actually do something about it.
  • Oh my goodness Mel! Thats horrible!! I can't believe that! I hope that gets sorted out soon. I understand the whole motorcycle being a sore spot though. FI's is too. I hope he gets his bike back soon. If not I would file a report on the bike, friend or not, thats an expensive toy to steal from someone and its wrong that he is playing these games.

    Amanda - I'm sorry! I know what you mean, I felt that way in between FI's deployments. It's hard. It's like you get adjusted to them being gone, and then when they're back you realized just how much you really missed him and then he leaves again. Hugs! Hang in there. April will be here before you know it and hopefully you won't have to be seperated any more.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Morning ladies!! I'm finally back online, sort of! H and I are hanging out at my dad's for the week, seeing friends of his and mine, which is fun! I'm sort of sick of living out of a suitcase though....and I have a sore throat which is really annoying.

    I dont normally make resolutions, and they're always the same anyway--work out more, be less of a bitch. We'll see how it goes this year. Our first PCS together happens in 2012 so that could be a good time to "chill out" but I'll probably be a mess anyway...
  • Mel: Holy cow, that is unbelievable! I hope your FI finds his bike soon and this guy he shared the unit with seems really shady! 

    Binx: I love your resolutions! Text me when you get back here. 

    Amh: It's really quite frustrating since it's been going on for however long now. H's pay was never really messed up with his last ship, maybe once or twice but not like this! H is just really tired of having to go back and talking to them multiple times now. 

    As for my resolution this new year, I don't really have much. They never really happen for me. lol I would love to lose 10-15 lbs though, although I am perfectly fine with just 5lbs, I don't want to lose so much I'll look to skinny. I'd like to work out more as well and get in shape. I also need to get on with job hunting! 
  • Good morning/early afternoon!  I am still back in NY until Friday and have been busy trying to catch up with as much family and friends as possible while here.  

    Ggirl I'm going tonight for pizza and wings, and tomorrow!  Since I know you know the area, I'm getting Buzzy's tonight and Goodfella's tomorrow!  

    We are getting to the end of everything with buying the house and I'm super excited!  We were supposed to be closing tomorrow, but then it got delTHenayed a couple weeks because of big repairs needed to the septic tank.  But now everything is finished and we might close by the end of this week again!  I am so excited to close and be homeowners!  Although secretly we wouldn't mind if it got pushed til like Jan 2nd or 3rd since then we wouldn't have a mortgage payment til March.  Hells yes to no rent or mortgage payment for a month!

    Either way, in 2 and a half weeks my house will be packed up and I'll be on my road trip to our new house!
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Well, I have a rant this morning... so H's Army recruiter called him on Monday, asking him to come in again and get weighed so that he can get signed off on for the scholarship. Only problem is, they asked him to LOSE weight the last time he was in, like a few pounds, and he's GAINED 3 more. We are thinking they are going to make him wait again... and H is so fed up, I can see him giving up on the Army completely. This breaks my heart. I was really into the idea of him doing it this way. This was his DREAM :( I don't even know what to think right now. I will just have to wait until tomorrow when he gets back to see what they say I guess.
  • I'm so furious.  Some of my members are all standing around criticizing the Military, and the Government and blah blah blah.  Basically just going on and on about shiit they have no clue about.  One of them even went so far as to say that SM's were monsters and trained killers.  SERIOUSLY!?!? They know that I was a SM and that my H is currently AD.. How rude and disrespectful can you get? and of course I can't say anything about it.. but I. AM. FURIOUS.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:f6442198-6f6f-42ab-83e6-2717139d0d01Post:c96cc9e6-ba5f-431a-80ca-64a0a29f4e02">Re: Whatever Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm so furious.  Some of my members are all standing around criticizing the Military, and the Government and blah blah blah.  Basically just going on and on about shiit they have no clue about.  One of them even went so far as to say that SM's were monsters and trained killers.  SERIOUSLY!?!? They know that I was a SM and that my H is currently AD.. How rude and disrespectful can you get? and of course I can't say anything about it.. but I. AM. FURIOUS.
    Posted by SamiJoeB[/QUOTE]

    Eww Sami that sucks! Rude hoars.
  • CAB- That stinks for your H.  I know at least with the Navy they have very strict BMI requirements for joining and staying in, so hopefully he doesn't get discouraged and think they are just against him.  

    Sami - I would probably make a sign that said "I love my Marine" and put it where they can all see it.

    Can i just say how sick I am though of people who are ignorant about military issues yet talk like they know everything?  If one more person says "no honey, your H's deployment won't get extended, I just saw that all the troops are coming out of Iraq" I will scream!  First of all, H isn't in Iraq, he is on a freaking ship.  Second, they aren't just going to pull every single SM out of every foreign country, and deployments will still happen.  Plus many more reasons I want to tell these people to STFU!
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:f6442198-6f6f-42ab-83e6-2717139d0d01Post:c96cc9e6-ba5f-431a-80ca-64a0a29f4e02">Re: Whatever Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm so furious.  Some of my members are all standing around criticizing the Military, and the Government and blah blah blah.  Basically just going on and on about shiit they have no clue about.  One of them even went so far as to say that SM's were monsters and trained killers.  SERIOUSLY!?!? They know that I was a SM and that my H is currently AD.. How rude and disrespectful can you get? and of course I can't say anything about it.. but I. AM. FURIOUS.
    Posted by SamiJoeB[/QUOTE]

    That is completely horrible that they know and still voice their opinions.  I get that not everyone supports/apprecaites our military, but voicing it in public is uncalled for. I'm so sorry Sami. What biotches.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Beach i agree completely. People seem to think that since they are pulling troops out that there aren't any more deployments. Firstly, there are always deployments. Always. Secondly, there are other countries. Thridly they have to deploy people behind the army to tear down the bases and close everything off, I know my FBIL is Air National Guard and they are deploying sometime next year to shut things down.

    CAB - That really stinks that they are giving him the run around. Beach is right though, they definitely have to be under a certain weight/BMI level. Good thoughts/vibes going your way.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Oh! and my boss and her H were both AD AF.. so I'm just like Uh.. Seriously!? It's all common knowledge..  They asked if My H came home for Christmas.. I said "Nope! he's still in Japan" and they said "But I thought The President said all the troops were coming home" Uh.. That doesn't apply to SM's who are STATIONED IN OTHER COUNTRIES!!! I hate Hate HATE when people open their mouths about things that they really have no clue about!!!  It amazes me how clueless the general population is about the Military...
  • My FI surprised me by coming home early last week, so I haven't really been on here to read/comment.  Tonight, we are headed to WI today to visit family and my best friend.  :)  He still has to meet some people, and I can't wait to introduce him.  I hope you ladies all have happy New Year's celebrations!!!  My resolution is to relax, since I had a lot of issues with anxiety this year.  And of course, to consistently eat healthy and work out.  
  • I think most of the general population  thinks all the military does is be in the Middle East. To them, there's nothing beyond that which is completely untrue of course. It's so ignorant! 
  • Thanks for the support ladies! It's nice to be able to vent about it, because I'm trying to no start a fight with FI. CAB- I'm sorry for your FI! I know that has to be frustrating and I hope it ends up working out! Sami- that just sucks! I hate when people talk like they know what they're talking about. And to be honest, I would have been seriously tempted to punch them all in the face. Hugs to you for putting up with it!
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:f6442198-6f6f-42ab-83e6-2717139d0d01Post:da52e06c-e8ad-4c4d-9067-5f998d016564">Re: Whatever Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]CAB- That stinks for your H.  <strong>I know at least with the Navy they have very strict BMI requirements for joining and staying in</strong>, so hopefully he doesn't get discouraged and think they are just against him.   Sami - I would probably make a sign that said "I love my Marine" and put it where they can all see it. Can i just say how sick I am though of people who are ignorant about military issues yet talk like they know everything?  If one more person says "no honey, your H's deployment won't get extended, I just saw that all the troops are coming out of Iraq" I will scream!  First of all, H isn't in Iraq, he is on a freaking ship.  Second, they aren't just going to pull every single SM out of every foreign country, and deployments will still happen.  Plus many more reasons I want to tell these people to STFU!
    Posted by dnbeach12[/QUOTE]

    Maybe it's just your H's FI is definately overweight according to his BMI haha!!
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:f6442198-6f6f-42ab-83e6-2717139d0d01Post:20ea32e5-9f80-409a-bc71-9766d554ae4b">Re: Whatever Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]My FI surprised me by coming home early last week, so I haven't really been on here to read/comment.  Tonight, we are headed to WI today to visit family and my best friend.  :)  He still has to meet some people, and I can't wait to introduce him.  I hope you ladies all have happy New Year's celebrations!!!  My resolution is to relax, since I had a lot of issues with anxiety this year.  And of course, to consistently eat healthy and work out.  
    Posted by ESalaam787[/QUOTE]

    Oh! If you don't mind sharing, where about in WI are you going to be? I'm in WI now because FI and I grew up here in central WI!
  • Binx: I grew up in Janesville, and we'll be in that area for our visit! I'm not sure if you know where it is, but it's pretty close to the Illinois border on the 90. I hope you enjoy your visit! Just wondering if you get the same questions I do when I tell people where I'm from...1 So you love the Packers right? 2 Oh, you're not from Green Bay? 3 Do you rally eat a lot of cHeese?
  • I hate being sick and I hate working when sick. Beachy- please get some buttery garlic chicken fingers for me from buzzy's! We always ordered from there for work parties. Man, I miss that. Yesterday I hung out with a friend from buffalo. She was down visiting her sister so we met up in charleston. It was nice to spend time with her. I know people said a lot but i can't remember it all since my brain is not working correctly. But I love you all.
  • Salaam- Yes I know where Janesville is! Not too far outside of Madison! I think the only one I get is the Packer one. I will obviously cheer for the Pack over other teams, but I'm not like a die-hard fan haha! But...I do eat a lot of cheese :-/

  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:f6442198-6f6f-42ab-83e6-2717139d0d01Post:29b56f3e-3641-4696-8c3f-be30e6793194">Re: Whatever Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Whatever Wednesday! : Maybe it's just your H's FI is definately overweight according to his BMI haha!!
    Posted by BinxRose[/QUOTE]

    See, this is what we were told initially, too. Because of the nature of the job he'd be doing, it wasn't AS strict. But, still, who knows what could happen tomorrow. The bottom line is, his BMI is higher than they would like for it to be. And, really? Asking him to come in and weigh in after our honeymoon AND Christmas!? No fair! LOL!
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:f6442198-6f6f-42ab-83e6-2717139d0d01Post:29b56f3e-3641-4696-8c3f-be30e6793194">Re: Whatever Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Whatever Wednesday! : Maybe it's just your H's FI is definately overweight according to his BMI haha!!
    Posted by BinxRose[/QUOTE]

    No it's definitely throughout the whole Navy. They have PRT twice a year where they have to weigh in and do the running, push ups and sit ups. If you don't make your weight though you can do measurements, and as long as you fall in a certain range you pass the PRT. So your FI is probably fine by measurements.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:f6442198-6f6f-42ab-83e6-2717139d0d01Post:53d7eccb-424d-415c-9a14-0bf5064113e5">Re: Whatever Wednesday!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Whatever Wednesday! : See, this is what we were told initially, too. Because of the nature of the job he'd be doing, it wasn't AS strict. But, still, who knows what could happen tomorrow. The bottom line is, his BMI is higher than they would like for it to be. And, really? Asking him to come in and weigh in after our honeymoon AND Christmas!? No fair! LOL!
    Posted by CAB1217[/QUOTE]

    It's not the worst thing though, they will just have him come back in a few months. I definitely understand it being frustrating though. When H was recruiting he had a lot of people who would have to come back in a few weeks after dropping a few pounds.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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