Hi! I'm really bored at work and I love coming on here and reading your crazy posts. I decided to post a little rant to get a dicussion started. So, here it goes.
My SO and I have been together for 7 months. We moved in together after about 4 months. We looked at rings, talked wedding dates and even some plans for a big day. I know he has thought about a proposal because he has given me little "hints" every once in awhile. I'm not complaining that he hasn't proposed or anything, I am just curious as to what the difference is between a ring being on a finger and one not being there? What's the difference between living together being boyfriend/girlfriend and living together married? I really don't like being the center of attention and never really wanted to get married. I think weddings are way too expensive. Most people on these posts says it's more important to talk and think about the marriage then the wedding. But can two people honestly live together and be together for the rest of their lives without spending a million dollars for one stupid day? Or do families and friends find that completely inappropriate?
Thanks in advance for the input!