Hi,I need some advice! My boyfriend and I have been together for 4.5 years, and have been talking seriously about getting married for a while now. We've been discussing rings lately, and here's where my issue comes up.I love very unique, hand-crafted pieces of jewelry, and I've never been attracted to the vast majority of what's popular online or in stores. I don't even like diamonds very much! If I could choose, my ring would be something small, simple, plain and unobtrusive - something off Etsy or the like, and probably not a diamond at all.I also don't see the sense in spending a lot of money on a ring - I'd prefer using the money for something more practical, and I'd feel weird wearing something expensive.My boyfriend, on the other hand, is very traditional. He wants to choose a ring by himself, which I totally support (he's had excellent taste in jewelry in the past!), but he seems to think that he HAS to get me a big, sparkly diamond from a local/chain store. He's actually mentioned that he thinks "People will talk about it [negatively] behind our backs" if he doesn't.So I'm not sure how to impress upon him that I really don't care what other people think, and I think that whatever the ring looks like, it's between the two of us. I think it should reflect us, our relationship, and my style.Am I totally out to lunch? Any tips?Thanks in advance, and sorry this is so long!Mimi