My boyfriend and I have been talking about engagement and all things surrounding that, including rings. This is the 2nd time he will have been engaged (the first time didn't work out, lucky for me!) so he knows about buying a ring. However, his first time getting a ring, he went to the store, picked it out, and then did some digging to find her ring size, and bought it. I have told him, and showed him, what I want, so there's no question about that, but I have huge fingers. When I was in high school, my class ring was a 13, and I can't imagine that they've shrunk at all since then. Most places I see only go up to a 9 or 10. So 2 questions: 1) where CAN you find rings somewhere in an actual store (he doesn't do online shopping) and 2) how do I break it to him that even though he thinks I'm joking when I say I have giant, fat fingers that I'm not kidding? Any advice? Thanks!