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anyone here today?

I am really bored at work today and in a bad mood because my company didn't pay me my overtime from last week.I should be off today and tomorrow but since they fired the other guy I have to pick up more shifts - they just better pay me for this crap because I had several other things I wanted to do this weekendwhat are you guys up to?
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: anyone here today?

  • edited December 2011
    Well i'm with you there... i'm working as well and i still have 9 1/2 more hours to go.. plus its pretty outside when its been raining the past 4 days in a row...also i'm in a terrible mood...i'm just having one of those days.. i could name tons of things that have gone wrong, gotten on my nerves, made me sad, mad and confused... plus to add to it i know that if i could talk to Drew about everything thats going on here he would tell me that everything is ok and then tell me i'm gonna get through it all but he's either still asleep(lazy saturday) or working on the deck already.... plus to add to it all its like propsals are popping up everywhere around me.. i'm seeing engaged and pregnant people EVERYWHERE that i know.. its crazy... and I know we're waiting to get engaged until he finds a really good job and all but gosh this sucks esp when i see people i know who i graduated with get engaged..this week there was a girl thats a year younger than me that got asked... Does this happen to any of you?and again i know i'm Super complaining here but i needed to vent and its just on of those days...How is yours?
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