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Home Improvement!

No, not the TV show...We're getting a washer and dryer today! I feel like a grown-up! Of course, they weren't supposed to be here until 12:15, and they're coming at 10:30, which means FI won't be home from work yet and I have to wait for them to show up (I am supposed to be volunteering at 11).But it's all good, because we'll be able to do our laundry in our apartment instead of taking it to the laundry room. Yay!So responsible, so mature... doing our laundry in our own home with brand new machines instead of sharing 30-year-old machines with strangers.Woot!So, anybody else have anything new and exciting happening at home?

Re: Home Improvement!

  • edited December 2011
    That's really exciting. Congrats.
  • edited December 2011
    I know!! I'm getting ours on wednesday!! YAY FOR NEW WASHERS AND DRYERS!! lol Hope it goes well!
  • edited December 2011
    Yay for new washer and dryer! I always hated having to go somewhere to do my laundry
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Yay for a washer and dryer!  I am curious as to where you are able to fit it in your apartment.  I think we all know what I hapenning on the home front.  Home improvement doesn't even begin to cover it. HahaI lust after these:  LG Electronics 4.5 Cu. Ft. Ultra Capacity Front Load SteamWasher™ [IMG][/IMG]Serious lust. I told FI that I want them as my "push present" for our 2nd kid.  Haha.  Push present #1 is an elliptical.  (His sister is the one who informed us of "push presents."  She got a diamond and sapphire band for their 1st kid.  I prefer something a bit more practical.) 
  • edited December 2011
    I f-ed up the thread. Go me![IMG]<a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>[/IMG]
  • edited December 2011
    Well, in our 1-bedroom apartment we didn't have hookups for a washer/dryer, but this 2-bedroom has a little laundry closet-like thing in the dining room.So, the machines are in there... and FI already did 3 loads of clothes today.There's no wonder why I'm marrying him.He does laundry!He does dishes!He scoops litter boxes!He even puts the toilet seat down!He's Mr. Awesome! :D
  • edited December 2011
    congrats on the washer and dryer. Hopefully we are getting a kitchen table and chairs set soon. We have a giant table that my boyfriend and his old roommate had..that has no chairs and impossible to find chairs for and is ugly. lol So we have been eating at the Coffee table.
  • edited December 2011
    Jeana, that is awesome.  I was just curious because I have had apartments with w/d in them but they came with the place.  Our townhouse doesn't have them and there would be no place to put them even if we did buy them.  (29 more days, 29 more days, 29 more days... my current mantra)
  • edited December 2011
    I totally feel your joy...I just picked up my new portable dishwasher today and I've never been so happy to hear the sound of a dishwasher swishing away as I am right now. lolJS
  • edited December 2011
    I'm moving this week. I took all my big furniture (bedroom set, living room furniture) to the house today, and then I'll move everything else evenings this week after work, and hopefully move in completely by the weekend! Woot!! My landlord put brand new washer/dryer in the house about a month ago, so we're the first to use them. We got new flooring too.
    He pretty much had me at "hello".
    -- PS I agree with whatever Jeana said --
  • edited December 2011
    I can remember when I was little, going to places like Pier 1 with my mom and thinking 'GOOOOOOOOOOD, THIS IS SOOOO BOOOORING!' Now, I'm like 'Weee!! Home goodies!!' Not sure when the transition hit... lol
  • edited December 2011
    We're in the process of looking for rental houses/townhouses for next year. We currently live in a very pretty 2/2 condo, but unfortunately, it's a ground floor unit in a, how do I say this politely...ghetto section of Fort Lauderdale. Like, our neighborhood was featured on "Women Cops of Broward County". You don't even want to know what pops up when you do a sex offender search for the neighborhood. Looks like the BF will have to be traveling more for his job (weren't anticipated this when we moved in to the neighborhood), and he's not comfortable with leaving me alone in our neighborhood (to be honest, neither am I). So, looking for rental houses or townhouses. BF really wants some sort of patio/deck/yard so he can grill and have BBQs...I want a second floor somewhere so I can open the windows in the winter and not worry about someone climbing in them. That, and I promised BF we could get another dog if we moved into a bigger place. He's looked up the county ASPCA website twice already this week. On the new and exciting front, I recently discovered the wonder and amazement that is IKEA. Apparently, I live under a rock, because I had never been to an IKEA until recently. BF and I went there and I wanted to walk out with half the store. Room dividing bookshelves with a ladder! Kitchen spice racks/appliance holders on under-the-cabinet rails! Dining room tables that do not involve a card table with a table cloth thrown on top! ::siiiiiiiiiiiigh:: :)

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    "Oceana swings from logical to anus punching." - Buttons

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  • edited December 2011
    Oh sweet.  We just use the laundry in the basement and we're cool with it.  More like not willing to give up square footage to big bulky machines.  But one day we will probably have some place with a laundry room.  Nothing home improvement wise is happening with us.  We got new bath mats, that's about it.  :-)
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  • edited December 2011
    Hmm...exciting home stuff.We finally got the yard in order.  We're having guests this coming weekend for football, so we wanted to get the outside "living" areas looking awesome.  We re-did all the flowerbeds and mowed the grass, cleaned off the screened in porch and put all the tools back in the storage shed.  Cleaned the sticky crap off the kitchen floor where the previous owners had glued a piece of carpet to the hardwood (seriously, wtf), and cleaned out the microwave.  We took a crapton of stuff to Goodwill and cleaned out one of the bedrooms.  So now this week we have to clean out the other bedroom, clean out BF's game room, and vacuum and clean the bathrooms Thursday night before they get here Friday.Also on the list is to paint the storage shed in the backyard, get the master bathroom tilework finished so we'll have more than one useable shower in the house, and get the roof checked because we think there may be a leak.Owning a house is fun, but a TON of work.
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  • edited December 2011
    @acro - Can I just tell you how jealous I am that you have a proper yard? We have a little square of concrete, which is covered in various potted herbs and veggies, because I refuse to buy fresh herbs from the store when I can grow them on my own. Soooooooooooo looking forward to having a proper garden someday...

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    "Oceana swings from logical to anus punching." - Buttons

    Planning / Married / Blog

  • edited December 2011
    I love having a yard.  When BF was looking for a house, he knew that I would be moving in.  So even though the house isn't technically mine, I requested a yard with a fence for my dog (now dogs), and he refused to look at any houses that didn't either have a fence or at least have a yard that could easily be fenced.  Love him.  :)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    1st BFP: 10/27/12, cycle before we had planned to see RE
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  • hisgoldeneyeshisgoldeneyes member
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    edited December 2011
    oceana919: Hey I live in SFL also Miami more specifically and we're kinda at the point where we want to find a new apartment to rent. If you see any good deals that you guys are gonna pass on if you don't mind pointing us in the right direction I'd appreciate it!
  • edited December 2011
    Yay for the washer & dryer!! We just finished building a new retaining wall & stairs in our backyard, and I am ridiculously excited about that! Oh the joys of having your own place...
  • MamaKinMamaKin member
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    edited December 2011
    we moved into a townhouse 3 months ago, and our first purchase together was a beautiful new LG front-loader washer and dryer. love love love. i never thought i'd be so excited about appliances. and our clothes have never been cleaner.
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