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Curiosity post - PIP

So I was wondering: how many of you feel that your mother's/grandmother's/other close relative's taste in jewellery affected yours?

I ask because, as I mentioned in the past on here, after I showed my mom the wedding set I fell in love with when I went shopping with BF, she told me it looked almost exactly like her old wedding set. And it really did (truth be told if my parent's hadn't have had such a nasty divorce I would love to have hers as my ring. I have a lot of good memories with that ring).

I got to thinking that most of my jewellery are things that my mom would totally wear, and visa versa. Thus I am left to conclude that her tastes have influenced mine a great deal.

For reference, the set I love:

Mom's set (pointedly not put on my ring finger because it made me feel crazy when I did that at first :P):

So how about all of you peeps? Are you going to see your mom's wedding band every time you look down like I am now? ;) Or any other jewelery, for that matter?

Edited to add: And I just realized that the general swirly-ish shape I apparently like for all my rings. My class ring:


Re: Curiosity post - PIP

  • loopy82loopy82 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    My moms ring looks nothing like mine - well other than they are both diamonds and silver in color, but thats about all the more similar they get. For reference I will say that I did not pick out my ring, but had I, I wouldn't have picked out anytthing like my moms ring. I also do not know if she picked out or had any influence on her ring. My gut says she didn't.

    ETA: Not that it matters at all, but it looks like your finger is by the kitchen sink. I am just curious if I am right. (note -- I am also influenced by a few captains at the moment.)
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  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    Sixth Anniversary 10000 Comments First Answer 500 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    My mom and I are polar opposites in pretty much every aspect. When we lived together it was not a pretty picture. Now that I live on my own our relationship is significantly better. Anyways to answer your questions, obviously I don't have a ring yet but I doubt that my ring would be similar to my mom's.

  • zipis1zipis1 member
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    edited December 2011
    That is a good point, Loopy. I don't think my mom actually did get to choose her ring (though now I'll have to ask just so I can know). But I know she did love that ring, and the one that came before it (the original was stolen on their honeymoon. Perhaps it was an omen ;) ), so it was still in her tastes.

  • zipis1zipis1 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Curiosity post</a>:
    [QUOTE]ETA: Not that it matters at all, but it looks like your finger is by the kitchen sink. I am just curious if I am right. (note -- I am also influenced by a few captains at the moment.)
    Posted by loopy82[/QUOTE]

    *laugh* Why yes it is! It's the best lit area in the house, aside from the bathroom which would risk a picture of the liter box :P Incidentally that's why I wanted to take a picture of the rings on a finger rather than just holding them, since I didn't want to drop them down the drain.

    Was it the gold specs that tipped you off?

  • loopy82loopy82 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Some b*tch stole my class ring. It was 10 years ago, but I'm still bitter. I doubt I would ever still wear it, but that thing was damn expensive.
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  • loopy82loopy82 member
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    edited December 2011
    It was mainly the silver rim at the top of the pic that tipped me off, that paired with what looked suspiciously like a rounded edge of a counter top.
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  • deburnindeburnin member
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    edited December 2011
    My mom and I have semi-similar taste in jewelry, it's the amount that we wear that differs the most. 

    Her engagement ring and wedding ban are very simple, I like simple with a flash of unique. Her ring is a solitaire and I never thought I would like that but one of the rings I like is a solitaire, but it has a flair of uniqueness unlike my mom's. Over the years, my dad has bought her other diamond jewelry and she wears it *all* at all times. They've been married 26 years and even though my family isn't rich it's still quite a bit of jewelry. She can name each anniversary or milestone that they're from too. I could never imagine wearing that much jewelry, but that's my mom. 

    I have no idea what my gma's wedding jewelry looked like. I'm pretty sure she sold it. She's divorced and The Bald Man (what I've always referred to my grandfather as) died when I was about 6. The idea of her ever having a husband is just plain weird.
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  • zipis1zipis1 member
    First Comment Name Dropper First Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Oh look at that! There IS a silver rim and a rounded edge in the pictures! I don't even have any Captains in me as an excuse for missing that :P

    And I would be pissed too if someone stole my ring! I wear mine every time I leave the house and absolutely love it. Plus, yeah...that thing was almost 700 bucks!

    Deburnin, that sound slike a lot of jewellery at one time! I think it's sweet that she can remember all the occasions for them, but man. Sounds heavy :P I pretty much only wear two rings (one on each hand) most days, and sometimes earrings, but more than that I'd begin to feel silly.

  • loopy82loopy82 member
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    edited December 2011
    It is insane what companies (Jostens around here) charge for those class rings. But speaking of jewelry - I rarely wear any as well. My e/wedding ring and the other previously mentioned ring. I have a necklace from DH as well, but it really needs to be cleaned. I am really hoping for some diamond studs sooner than later...... I have tried planting the seed ;)
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  • deburnindeburnin member
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    edited December 2011
    Zipis- I wear the claddah ring BF got me and a dragon claw necklace I found while we were cleaning his room. My ears are pierced but the only time I wear earrings is when I when I wear my ren fest outfit because BF bought me chainmail earrings and a matching necklace. BF tried "upgrading" my necklace with a very pretty heart key, but I only wear it for special occasions because I honestly like the dragon claw better. :X

    My siblings and I once counted the pieces of jewelry my mom wears, but I forgot the number. I'm pretty sure it was over 10 and that was a few years ago. lol
    ~*~Sept 2013 Siggy Challange - Then (2005) & Now (2012)~*~
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  • zipis1zipis1 member
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    edited December 2011
    I think Jostens actually made my ring too. Admittedly I managed to convince my dad to get the one with real diamonds in it so that is probably a big reason it was so expensive (there was a time, roughly six years ago, I was a bit spoiled Innocent). Looking at that picture my poor ring is in serious need of a cleaning and re-dipping. It used to be so much shinier!

    Deb- I'm giggling at the "necklace I found in his room." I believe you said you two were high school sweethearts so I'm imagining you digging through a teenaged boy's room and finding buried treasure :P

  • deburnindeburnin member
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    edited December 2011
    Zipis- That is actually a very accurate picture. lol
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  • Beads921Beads921 member
    Fourth Anniversary First Comment Combo Breaker Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    We have kind of similar taste with one MAJOR exception: I prefer white gold, Mom prefers yellow. Other than that we like similar styles. I've always liked my Mom's wedding set, but wouldn't want it for myself. Her wedding band and anniversary band (yes, she has both) are a bit swirly and could never be worn alone. I want to be able to wear my wedding band alone.
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  • calindicalindi member
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    edited December 2011
    My Mom's engagement and wedding ring are not at all my style.  In casual jewelry, we have very similar style, though.

    What really sticks out is the dress - I grew up with my parents' wedding photo in a frame in our living room, and I always loved how happy they looked in that picture.  My Mom's veil is super long, but her dress is classic and elegant.  I don't want the same dress (and I'd never be able to fit into hers as she was a teeny tiny cheerleader at that point) but because of that picture, I always pictured a flowy elegant lace dress in a gentle A-line (no ball gowns or trumpet for me).  We'll see if I still love that style when I go to try on wedding gowns someday, but it's what I have in mind.  Besides, I think I'm going to go the custom route - there's some amazing designers on Etsy that only charge $600 for a custom gown!



  • edited December 2011
    My grandmother's jewelry style is not at all my taste in jewelry.  She loved yellow gold, and chunkier, heavier pieces, with more of an art-deco feel.  I'm a white-gold, simpler is better kind of girl.
  • edited December 2011
    My mom and I have similar tastes in a lot of things.  She did not have an engagement ring, my parents chose matching bands when they got married.  I never saw my dad where his while I was growing up (he was a cop and it really got in the way and it got to the point his hands had beefed up too much to be able to wear it) - it's that classic 1972 completely wide gold band that had some kind of pattern on it. 

    When my mom lost 120 lbs several years ago, her ring was way too big.  Because of the pattern, it couldn't be sized.  So, my parents decided to get new rings for their anniversary that year (they're a chunky white gold, I think - they like them, but not a style I would have chosen - dad wears his ring now)...they didn't want to simply put the rings on, mom felt weird about that - so we got our immediate family and some very close friends gathered in the friend's living room and had our pastor perform a "ring" ceremony - not really a vow renewal, but very close - it was perfect.

    Cate - everyone asked if I was going to wear my mom's dress because we're about the same height.  She was definitely bigger than me when she got married and the dress drowns was empire waist (looks horrible on me) with long sleeves and lavender ribbon running through the sleeves (pretty, but not my style) - my grandma got so mad that my mom wanted the colored ribbon, but she really had no right to complain - grandma got married in a black velvet dress.
  • calindicalindi member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Curiosity post - PIP</a>:
    [QUOTE]Cate - everyone asked if I was going to wear my mom's dress because we're about the same height.  She was definitely bigger than me when she got married and the dress drowns was empire waist (looks horrible on me) with long sleeves and lavender ribbon running through the sleeves (pretty, but not my style) - my grandma got so mad that my mom wanted the colored ribbon, but she really had no right to complain - grandma got married in a black velvet dress.
    Posted by AngieD&JoeD[/QUOTE]

    My grandma doesn't get a say - anything she says is completely invalidated because she's been married 4 times.  I'm not looking forward to her voicing her opinions, though, because you better believe she's going to make my life miserable for the whole process and hate everything that we choose.  Not to mention my diamond will be from her mother's ring, and she believes she should have the stone but my Mom got it.  And she hated her mother, so my Mom has told me to prepare for all sorts of harrassment over the stone.  Stupid grandma... did I mention she's coming to visit this weekend?  Grrr....



  • Roo726Roo726 member
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    edited December 2011
    so I actually get to use my mom's and my grandma's rings.  However, my grandma's ring is a size 5....don't think that would even fit on my pinky.  So i told my mom was going to put her diamond in my grandma's ring and then set grandma's diamond into something more my style and size ( i know rings can be sized but in this case it would take away from the overall estetics of the ring)

    My moms ring, is an early 90's monstrosity.  it was pretty for her, but omg it has so many swirls and baguettes and junk.   Grandma's is white gold, definetely much more my taste.  Plus, it has a 1k flawless diamond that i am IN LOVE WITH.  So I always remind my BF, I am the perfect girlfriend, I even come equipped with my own diamonds! :-)

    So, the answer to your question, yes and no.
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  • flyjawnflyjawn member
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    edited December 2011
    my mother taste is jewellry is atrocious.  she loves yellow gold with all sorts of different coloured stones and embellishments...

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