So I was wondering: how many of you feel that your mother's/grandmother's/other close relative's taste in jewellery affected yours?
I ask because, as I mentioned in the past on here, after I showed my mom the wedding set I fell in love with when I went shopping with BF, she told me it looked almost exactly like her old wedding set. And it
really did (truth be told if my parent's hadn't have had such a nasty divorce I would love to have hers as my ring. I have a lot of good memories with that ring).
I got to thinking that most of my jewellery are things that my mom would totally wear, and visa versa. Thus I am left to conclude that her tastes have influenced mine a great deal.
For reference, the set I love:
Mom's set (pointedly not put on my ring finger because it made me feel crazy when I did that at first :P):
So how about all of you peeps? Are you going to see your mom's wedding band every time you look down like I am now?
Or any other jewelery, for that matter?
Edited to add: And I just realized that the general swirly-ish shape I apparently like for all my rings. My class ring: