There's a lot that I'm looking forward to about getting engaged to BF. There's the obvious, and most important, factor -- we get to spend the rest of our lives together, but, of the smaller more material things, I'm not sure what it is that I'm looking forward to most. So I'm curious: what are YOU looking forward to most? Married ladies, answer as if you were still NEY.
Edit: I am so loving all of the responses, but they've triggered another question. The most popular response, by far, is the proposal, so... is anyone just a tiny bit worried that they will be disappointed by theirs? I know, I know... the important thing about the proposal is that you decide you will spend the rest of your lives together, and how it happens and what he says are minor details; you will love him no matter what and be thrilled no matter what. Still, doesn't anyone worry that maybe you've built up your expectations so much that the real thing will be a little underwhelming? Already-engaged ladies: did any of you experience this?