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This is a show-off

of Furbabies. I want pictures and names. If you're at work and cant post a pic then maybe just a name and a breed? We always talk about our dogs and such sooo I wanna see them!

Dixie, Stubby, Bubbles 

Dixie is the mom of the other 2. Stubby is from an unfortunate one night stand with a minature australian shepard.  Bubbles is the queen beyotch and is my baby girl.

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Re: This is a show-off

  • edited December 2011
    bella (2.5 yrs), cairn terrier

    razz (1.5 yrs), brittany

    sassy (old, ha!), cairn terrier (she's the light colored one) & bella

    lady (6 yrs), brittany

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  • AudgiePodgeAudgiePodge member
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    AVIE! He's a Goffin's Cockatoo.

    I'm not good at feelings.

  • MLekathLEENMLekathLEEN member
    edited December 2011

    Miles- 5 yo Cairn Terrier
    Binx- 6 month old Choc. Lab and quite possibly German Shorthaired Pointer mix.
    TBA- 3.5 week old Cairn Terrier

    I should have pics of all three this evening (!)
  • edited December 2011
    bella, cairn terrier, 2.5 yrs

    bella and sassy, cairn terrier, ~10 yrs

    razzy, brittany, 1.5 yrs

    razzy as a puppy :)

    lady, 6 yrs, brittany

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    sorry mine posted 2x.  i think TK is still screwy for me.  it didn't show my first post, so i put up different pics.  oh well.  they are all cuties!
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  • jemmini6jemmini6 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I don't have any furbabies.  I had a cat named Frankie, but when I moved into my apartment, they didn't allow animals, so he went to live with my parents for a while.  Well, when I moved in with FI, we brought him back and he didn't adjust to being an only cat again.  My mom said her cat was all depressed too that he was gone, so we ended up deciding that he had found a new home and we just get visitation rights. LOL. 

    Currently, we are in the market for a dog.  We applied at the local Sheltie rescue, but they would only place an older dog (like 9 or 10) with us because our fence is only about 5'6" and they said a younger one could jump it.  We don't want an older dog that we'd only have for a couple years so we are looking at smaller breeds right now.  I want  a pug, but FI thinks they are ugly :(  LOL, we'll find something eventually.
  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I have only 2 pics at work buttt...

    This is our Puganese (Pug/Pekenese mix) Molly Sue Nesbitt.  Aka Mol Sue or Mrs. Nesbitt

    She just got finished swimming;)

    And this is Michaelangelo.  Aka Mikey.  He's pure pug...

    And not happy about going swimming...

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  • motoLynmotoLyn member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    This is my fur baby, she pretty much takes up all my time besides FI, her name is Bella, tho I call her Bella Bean, she's a Queensland Blue Heeler or an Australian Cattle Dog.  She loves catching balls on the beach and fetching her squeaky duck.

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: This is a show-off</a>:
    [QUOTE]This is my fur baby, she pretty much takes up all my time besides FI, her name is Bella, tho I call her Bella Bean, she's a Queensland Blue Heeler or an Australian Cattle Dog.  She loves catching balls on the beach and fetching her squeaky duck.
    Posted by motoLyn[/QUOTE]

    your bella is so cute!!!  i love blue heelers.  they are beautiful.  i call mine Bella-Bug or Bella-Boo.  :) 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: This is a show-off</a>:
    [QUOTE]CAIRN TERRIER OWNERS UNITE! Miles- 5 yo Cairn Terrier Binx- 6 month old Choc. Lab and quite possibly German Shorthaired Pointer mix. TBA- 3.5 week old Cairn Terrier I should have pics of all three this evening (!)
    Posted by MLekathLEEN[/QUOTE]


    omgggggg i am so jealous.  they are freaking ADORABLE when they are babies.  please post pics.  asap.  and as many as possible.  :)
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  • LizzyTish88LizzyTish88 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I want to post pics but now facebook isn't working!

    fjgh eriougheriug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    If I get it working again, I will post pictures
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  • colleenm18colleenm18 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    This is my 7 mo Chihuahua Riley Cooper~ She is a girl.  BF named her after the former Florida Gators Wide Reciever.  Usually we call her Riley Girl. 

    My love bug Riley
  • colleenm18colleenm18 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    She is so adorable!  As are everyone else's Furbabies!
  • coastiegrl25coastiegrl25 member
    edited December 2011
    Omg Lyn! I love the heeler. I had one named Ringo. Sweetest dog evarr. He started attacking kids after our neighbor's kid came over and scared the bejeezus out of him by running after the dog screaming. makes me soooo mad. He is now on a ranch in TX loving life though. I miss him now.  Cry

    Edit-Not attacking but he would have u thinking he would if he could. He growled every time he saw this kid and we didn't want anything to happen. Also I joined the CG by then and couldn't be home with him. Stupid kid Yell
    When is my wedding
  • LizzyTish88LizzyTish88 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Okay got them!

    Cuddling in the hallway

    Dixie, or Dixie Girl is on the left and Bailey, or Bails in on the right. They are sisters and inseparable.
    friends tv show funy
  • coastiegrl25coastiegrl25 member
    edited December 2011
    I have to say I love this post. All the animals are soo cute. BREN we want pics of your "adopted" BFF'S dog too!
    When is my wedding
  • edited December 2011
    Sampson says Happy Early Halloween!

    And this is Penelope:

    And yesterday, FI found them sleeping like this! (They usually aren't besties, so this was a major surprise!)

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  • edited December 2011
    Aww I LOVE this thread! Such cute furbabies. Here's my little terror, Loki. Love him to bits!

  • jemmini6jemmini6 member
    5000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Paige- I want your pugs :)
  • leia1979leia1979 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I only have one photo handy, but here's the roster.

    Lucy - shorthaired tortoiseshell kitty, age 7

    Natassia - husky/white german shepherd mix (I'm guessing), age 14

    Tabitha - black, grey, and white tabby, age 16 and a half! This photo is a few years old. She's gotten kind of skinny in her old age.

    All three live with my parents, as they're used to living in a real house and having people home all day.
  • edited December 2011
    I can never get tired of showing off my baby (and my soon to be babies when they and their daddy move in).

    This is my baby, Maxy.  I also call her Ms. Max, Sweet Pea, Ms. Thing or Your Majesty.  She LOVES to play fetch and will play all day long if you let her.  She won my heart in the shelter by putting up a little paw and almost waving - she still does it and knows I'm a sucker for it (and so is everyone else who comes near her)...she's such a smart dog.  She is 9 years old and thinks she is 9 months old.

    Here is Joe's big boy, Prince (he's about 8 or 9 years old)

    Here's Joe little girl, Princess (she's the "dwarf" cat the vet called her - she's 5 lbs - long and skinny - and about 2 years old)

    and then there's the fish...ignore how filthy the tank is, this was taken before we cleaned it the last time - I get way too attached to my fish tank fish...I have a "character" in the tank right now - the chinese algae eater (at the bottom on the shell/rock thing) - I call him the dolphin because he likes to do flips out of the water (thankfully there's a lid) and he digs, it's hilarious (and he's HUGE).

  • zipis1zipis1 member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011

    This is Spud (AKA: Bumble dog). He's a nearly 11 year old lab/pitbull/chow-chow/terrier mix. He's also a Dodgers fan, just like Mommy :)  (much to Daddy's chagrin, as he's a Giants man).

    And this is Screech. He's my Fat Cat who is sticking his tongue out at the diet he's on (and he is aptly named, let me tell you).

    Oliver. He's my sweetheart and loves to sleep like that.

    Milo, Oliver's brother. They're both giant cats (at least partly Maine Coons). He is very lazy, and as shown in the second picture, a bit of a slut :P

    Sonic. He is simply adorable, and he knows it, which is why he's the resident brat.

    Group shot with BF scared they're going to eat him.

    And my non-fur babies:

    Leucis, my leucistic betta. He's a special boy.

    Jacobo, my baby ball python. He was interested in the camera. He's a little bigger now, though.*sniff* They grow up so fast.

  • leia1979leia1979 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Wow, Zipis, that's a crowded house! I love Maine Coon kittehs. We used to care for one that lived in our complex (abandoned by her owner).
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