Warning the following article might make you queasy or extremely pissed off... I know it sure got to me. A FB friend of mine just posted a link to
this article.
WTH is wrong with people? I don't get it. I've heard of a lot of crappy things in rape defenses over the years. There was one where the judge ruled that skinny jeans were too tight for the man to get off himself so the girl had to help and therefore didn't get raped. There was a girl who I went to school with who was told that she couldn't have been raped because she was dating the boy. Or the whole she was "asking for it" because of how she was dressed. Uh, no. No one asks to be raped. The whole thing just pisses me off.
~*~Sept 2013 Siggy Challange - Then (2005) & Now (2012)~*~
Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters. Baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well?Tale as Old as Time (Updated 11/26)