.. but it will make me feel much better knowing its out there and somewhat off my chest.
I'm really upset about my cat. I couldn't make it to the appt. because my mom was supposed to take him and I didn't want my last memory of him being that kind of thing, so I choose not to go. Well my mom got stuck at work and my step-father brought him. He literally handed him over the receptionist and left! I couldn't believe it and feel awful that my cat was alone when they put him down!! Just makes things worse I feel like.
Then Sunday was a huge family party and most of my family was there and having a good time. My cousin B was giving my younger (17y-o) cousin M drinks! And this went on all day and I didn't know the extent of it. Come to find out now M's mother and mine are pissed with me because I didn't stop it! COME ON! It wasn't my turn to watch him and he is a big boy who can make his own choices! I don't have to watch him and I do not feel I was irresponsible!
My grandfather was rushed to the hospital last night and is now up in a room waiting for them to run more tests and decide what to do with him.
There is way to much going on right now in my head! Sorry for taking up so much room but I had to get it out! Thanks for listening.