Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

XP: Ideas for Decorating a 'Modern' Church

Our church is not your traditional pews, steeple, vaulted ceiling type church. And I'm struggling with how to decorate it if at all. For lack of a better analogy it resembles a wearhouse of sorts with black walls, grayish black carpeting and chairs. The only bright spot is the stage.

I'm trying to figure out how to decorate this space with out spending a fortune because there's so much to it. Any thoughts or advice? (I've gone back and forth over the past few months with not doing anything at all and decorating the part we will use).

Here are some pics. The 'house' lights are on but when church is going on its a ton brighter. Similar to the type of lighting in a convention center but on a lower scale voltage wise.

Entrance to the main church from the foyer.

Thankfully when church is in service a lot of lighting is needed and used. Also we have a new backdrop that is white now. This is our old backdrop.

The next couple pictures aren't great but this is what the backdrop looks like (its white thought).

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Re: XP: Ideas for Decorating a 'Modern' Church

  • Wow, cool church.

    I just recently decided to have my ceremony at a church and I decided NOT to decorate it.  Simple is sometimes better. Plus it's such a nice bright indoor space already. I think I might decorate the 1st row of chairs at the end (middle aisle) with some kind of pomander or bow or tulle but that is it!  Save your money and put it towards something more worthwile, like food or your honeymoon.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Thanks girlie!! We decided on vases with candles to brighten things as well as branches in vases- easy and they're cheap!

    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:df7310e0-0c6c-46b9-b94b-2bef701db325Post:0a05a7e4-9691-4ca7-8562-3373065877fc">Re: XP: Ideas for Decorating a 'Modern' Church</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wow, cool church. I just recently decided to have my ceremony at a church and I decided NOT to decorate it.  Simple is sometimes better. Plus it's such a nice bright indoor space already. I think I might decorate the 1st row of chairs at the end (middle aisle) with some kind of pomander or bow or tulle but that is it!  Save your money and put it towards something more worthwile, like food or your honeymoon.
    Posted by librababy[/QUOTE]
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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