Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Music for a Catholic Church Wedding

Who else on here is having a traditional ceremony at a Catholic Church? If so, what are you all doing about your music? Are your going all traditional and playing whatever the church suggest for music or picking your own selections? (if you are allowed)....I decided to have my WP walk down to the instrumental version of "a thoundsand years" and I will walk to "cant help falling in love with you" also instrumental (actually both will be played by piano)...I have a few selections that will be sung before but I dont know what to do for the recessioanl song... I dont think I want the traditional wedding march or whatever its called. 
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Re: Music for a Catholic Church Wedding

  • We chose our own music - we didn't want anything that was over-used. Definitely run all your choices by your music director. They will sometimes allow secular music to be used for preludes and recessionals. It is almost impossible to play anything but sacred music during the ceremony. We have a long list of song choices on the Catholic Wedding board located under Cultural Weddings to the left!
  • Definitely check with your church.  In the Catholic church,  besides the processional and the recessional, I don't think you're allowed to do anything non-religious.  We are using all liturgical music.  I understand wanting your ceremony to be different, but at the same time, having a Catholic ceremony means that there are traditions you must follow.  Pretty much goes with the territory.  My grandfather is actually really into the music program at his church, so I'm letting him help make the choices. 
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  • Yea well I guess now that I think about it the only song that I was going to pick non tradiotnal was precessional and recessional and when I walk the aisle...buts its instrumental..Im going to email the music directior and find out! Thanks everyone..
    Wedding Countdown Ticker SoFla August SiggyimageCake Inspiration
  • This link has a list of songs often used during Catholic weddings and when/how they are used:

  • bride and groom recessional was "I danced" instrumentaL 

  • Your priest or  music cooordinator will give you the approved list.

    Some are more liberal than others so ask
  • You need to run it by the priest, not just the music director.  Plenty of catholic weddings have music that is technically secular, but it is usually classical (ie: "watermusic," "Pachelbel's canon" etc).  I don't know that a priest is going to go for a secular pop song.  That might push the line, even if it is an instrumental.

    My FI is a composer, and he's writing my wedding march as a wedding gift.  The priest has approved it because we have assured him that it will sound like something that would normally play in a church - it's going to follow the conventions of hymn.  But he wanted to talk to us to make sure it wasn't going to be anything too off-the-wall, and he's pretty liberal.
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  • Jax - totally off topic but I LOVE YOUR CAKE picture! I might use that too! Thanks and best wishes!!! Jennifer
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  • Thanks Sunridge!! I loved it too when I saw it... i customized mine a little bit!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker SoFla August SiggyimageCake Inspiration
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