My laptop is only from December 2006, but it looks like I got into a fight with it, and it lost.
Reasons why:
a. There is absolutely no battery power left, I've begun referring to it as a 'desktop' computer because its hardly laptop worthy.
b. The little grippers on the bottom have mostly fallen off, one is still in place so it sits kinda crooked.
c. The left click button on the touch pad was stuck down, so I popped its cover off (lots of crumbs in there-ew!)
d. Because the left click button is messed up I turn off the touch pad and use an external mouse. The mouse I use has like 3.5 feet of cord. Wicked obnoxious.
e. Where my wrists rest is all smooth and shiny.
f. I don't use any wallpaper on the desktop, because I was told it was a waste of memory. I need all the memory I can use in order to watch US of Tara on iTunes.
g. If I rest it on my lap, I have to use a divider like a magazine or blanket so as to not burn my lap.
h. It slid off of the bed once, and dented the power cord part that connects to the actual computer.
Can anyone top that? See picture below