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Plans for the 4th?


Re: Plans for the 4th?

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    It is my mom's birthday on the 4th. Normally we have a huge party at my grandparent's on the lake but since we have been having such hot days and no rain the lake is nasty. Instead we are having a pool party at my mom's with just our immediate family.


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    Jaycee I'll be 22

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    I probably won't be doing anything. We're hugely short-staffed this week because for some reason, two nurses were allowed to go on vacation when none are supposed to, so tomorrow we have 14 patients each and will have probably 15-17 each on Thursday when we're supposed to have a maximum of 10 or 11. Wednesday is going to be my one break before delving into the rest of the week and I'm sure as hell not spending that day listening to my family fight at my grandparents' house an hour away from home. No thanks~

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    melmac86melmac86 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    edited July 2012
    Happy Birthday, Jaycee and Beth!!

    jorja - What kind of food are you making for next weekend?

    danser - That sounds like a fun time. Maybe a few cocktails will make the wife less annoying? Innocent

    lennon - That's nice that you can watch the fireworks without having to go anywhere and deal with the crowds. The lakefront here draws soo many people and you end up sitting in traffic for at least an hour trying to get home. It's nuts.

    peek - How scary. I really hope everyone is okay during this time without power. That picture is amazing even though the storm caused so much damage. The nurse in me wonders what people at home do that need O2, nebulizer treatments, CPAPs etc... I can't imagine being without power for that long, especially in heat :(

    lemonade - I bet the theaters won't be very busy, so if you don't go to see fireworks, that's a nice option.

    Coco - Hope you find something fun to do!

    ray - Why are there no fireworks where you are? I've actually been begging BF to ask his parents if we can come over and enjoy their firepit to make s'mores. So yummy :)

    tiger - Looking forward to your AW pics!

    dewingedpixie - It's nice that you'll be able enjoy the fireworks. I'm excited for them even if we're missing out on the daytime festivities.

    Stina - Happy Birthday to your mom!

    stillwell - That really sucks that you're going to be understaffed and overworked. Seems like a common theme in nursing, unfortunately.
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    Nevermind, jorja. I see your food list in the other 4th thread and everything on that list sounds amazing. I've never heard of orange creamsicle dip, but I may have to look into this.
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