I'll try to keep this as brief as possible.... Could use some advice on this one.
BF works for the city, a few weeks ago, he hurt himself while on a job site. At first he didn't think it was that big of a deal, but is now experiencing some residual issues and is going through this whole workman's comp thing. Basically, what it comes down to is that he has to go in for an MRI tomorrow and he asked me to go with him. Unfortunately, I have a work function that's been scheduled for months that I can't get out of. I think he's a little freaked out about the whole thing since the Dr. that he saw initially told him that he'll probably need surgery to correct the problem, MRI was scheduled to confirm this suspicion. I've already asked him if he can reschedule the MRI so I can be there with him, but since it's through workman's comp, he has to work within their schedule. Any suggestions for something I can do to make him feel better since I can't be there with him tomorrow?