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The last straw?

I think I may have just come to the last straw with my work.

There is a resident here who receives a rental subsidy to pay for her rent. She really doesn't deserve it (IMO), as she is a single college student with no dependents just like every other person living here, but yet she managed to finagle government assistance to pay for her rent. Apparently because oh poor me poor me I don't have a job and I go to school so I don't have money for rent. (Yup this crying act happened in my office) yet she always has the latest and greatest electronics.

Well the housing authority requires a yearly inspection of the unit to insure that the property owners are keeping the unit in good repair and are not being slum lords. Well the tenant is contacted with an inspection date and time and is supposed to be home for this inspection. She didn't allow entry so they set another appointment. She failed to allow entry yet again. Because the tenant failed to allow entry my boss is now blaming me for it and telling me I should have just set up the appointment with the housing authority in the first place. This is not my responsiblity. I am not the one collecting housing assistance. Since the tenant failed to allow entry she now has to attend a seminar and if she doesn't attend she will probably lose her housing assitance. Due to her about to lose her housing assitance is why my boss is telling me I should have just set up the appointment to let them into her apartment.

No, if you want to finagle a free ride that you don't deserve to have the government pay your rent, (even if you aren't finagling a free ride and do need it) you need to be responsible and keep the appointment with the housing authority to let them into your apartment allowing you to keep your assistance. I am not here to make sure that people get a free ride. You want it, you need to be the one to do the work to get and keep it. Not me. You getting free rent does nothing for me at all. Why should I make sure you keep getting your free rent. Especially when I have known people who legitimatly need it but get turned down because people like you are abusing the system.

So that's my rant. Another adult can't take responsibility and I am being blamed for it.

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Re: The last straw?

  • edited December 2011

    Is your boss somehow related to this chick?  I would want to anus punch both of them. 
  • katanne9katanne9 member
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    edited December 2011
    Ditto Mutley. Ugh.
  • loopy82loopy82 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    No relation between my boss and this resident. (If they were it would be quite the stretch.) Oh and believe me. I want to anus, throat and uterus punch people today.
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  • edited December 2011
    Uterus punches hurt.  Let me tell you! 

    Mr. Man has started kicking and punching with lots of strength.  At this rate, he better get an athletic scholarship.
  • loopy82loopy82 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011

    LOL Mutley! Well let's hope he does get that scholarship. Smile

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  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I ditto (or thritto...?) the punching.  This is BS.

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  • edited December 2011
    I'm with you and don't understand why it would be your fault she couldn't answer her door to keep her FREE MONEY. There is no need for you to cater to this girl, if she needs the free rent then maybe she should keep her appointments. If I were in her situation, I would have been there, door open, cookies and milk waiting.

    Would he/she like you to wipe her hind end also, since she is clearly too busy playing with her new gadgets to do so?
  • loopy82loopy82 member
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    edited December 2011
    ekat - I wouldn't be suprised if that came next. I would run for hills if it came to that. Or anything near really. Funny thought however.

    Just kind of feels good just ot biitch sometimes.
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  • edited December 2011
    I was just thinking...

    Maybe she doesn't want them to do a home inspection because she doesn't want them to see all of her electronic goodies.  She has to know that she is scamming the system. 
  • tafft1tafft1 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: The last straw?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was just thinking... Maybe she doesn't want them to do a home inspection because she doesn't want them to see all of her electronic goodies.  She has to know that she is scamming the system. 
    Posted by **Mutley**[/QUOTE]

    I think this is it or the fact that she has not kept it up as well. IMO because of the assistance they are giving her , she shouldnt have a damn choice in when the inspection happens. She should be under THEIR rules , not hers. This crap pisses me off..
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  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: The last straw?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was just thinking... Maybe she doesn't want them to do a home inspection because she doesn't want them to see all of her electronic goodies.  She has to know that she is scamming the system. 
    Posted by **Mutley**[/QUOTE]
    I was just about to say this. (Get out of my head!)<div>
    </div><div>Either that or she really just doesn't care.  Maybe she just thinks if she ignores them they'll give up...?</div>

    "Popular on the internetz..."

    Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
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  • loopy82loopy82 member
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    edited December 2011
    I think what it comes down to is that she feels she doesn't have to do what they say. She doesn't care. Judging by other interactions I've had with her I believe that she thinks everyone will just do things for her. Because of her actions with all this I want her to lose her assistance, just to show her that if she can't act like an adult she doesn't get any "benefits" of being an adult.
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  • edited December 2011
    I agree.  She needs to learn her lesson, and harshly.  When you are sucktastic, you don't deserve benefits. 
  • desertsundesertsun member
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    edited December 2011
    It's not like that money is really free.

    That money comes out of our paychecks. That's our tax dollars at work. 


    I totally believe in paying taxes and having responsibility to help those less fortunate.

    But people who abuse the system and use benefits they don't NEED just piss me off.

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  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I think this all boils down to a case of : People are asshats.

    "Popular on the internetz..."

    Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
    Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
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  • loopy82loopy82 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Good summary Paige.

    Desert - you are very correct. I just try not look at it as though I am paying her rent, because then I will be even more frustrated that I have to do all the work and pay her rent. So, I prefer to think it comes from the 'large' government bank that I am disassociated with. Ignorance is bliss right?
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  • chirpchirpchirpchirp member
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    edited December 2011
    This kind of stuff pisses me off to no end.  I'm all for people who really need a bit of help getting a break every now and then but it's sh!t like this that makes tax payers hate government programs. 
    There's a girl that works for my parents full time that also gets government assistance.  She gets housing assistance, medical coverage, and food subsidies totaling $2400 each month (she had complained that it wasn't enough- that's the only reason I know how much she gets).  But she works full time plus has a part time job, is 19, single with no dependents and isn't going to school.  BUT.... she just bought a brand new SUV. 
    I'm glad she's supporting the auto industry at least, which is in turn going back to the government. 
  • edited December 2011
    This stuff makes me want to throttle someone!  My BFF is a paramedic and he makes $14/hr working 12 hour shifts sometimes 6 days a week (7am-7pm) plus his health coverage is so bad that he pays extra to be on his wife's plan!  They're broke but they still pay all their bills and taxes even when it means living with just one car when the other dies.  Meanwhile, that girl is getting free rent while she's a student because god forbid she get a job!  How is this fair?
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