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Table assignment. What are your thoughts?

This wedding will not be huge and we have four familes that will be there. Should I assign tables? Not seats I guess but tables. I have come up with ideas to mark it and display, but I am not sure I even think this is a good plan.

Re: Table assignment. What are your thoughts?

  • I don't see anything wrong with table assignments, I thought about doing it but getting our families to follow it would be like pulling teeth. We are having one table just for FI and myself, then reserving 6 or 7 tables for the WP and parents
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  • I think it's always better to assign tables. Otherwise you'll need to have an extra table or two since you'll inevitably end up with 6 or 7 people at a table of 8 and not enough room left for whoever else wants to sit there.
  • I think table assignments are fine.  We wound up assigning seats, as our venue wanted to know which place got which plate, but I would have definitely at least assigned tables.  As achiduck said, assigning tables can prevent you from having to have a lot more overage in terms of seats, which you would need with open seating so couples/smaller families wouldn't need to split up.

  • Never thought about the ending up with one seat here and there. Hmmm. Okay, I will get planning.
  • This is a serious question- how are you going to assign tables if you're hosting a tiered reception? Do guests not invited for dinner not gets seats either ot are you going to have empty tables for them that will look empty during dinner?
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