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East Coast Knotties-


Re: East Coast Knotties-

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]There are mandatory evacuations in low-lying areas in several neighboring towns. I am starting to get really scared. Has anyone ever been evacuated before? If there is a mandatory evacuation in my town, I know we will be included. We have nowhere to go because all of our family lives in places that will also be evacuated. What do I do for my cat if we have to leave? I'm not going to leave him home in the storm. Do I bring a litter box with me to where ever we have to go? I'm sure we'll end up at the town hall or one of the schools.
    Posted by Ali092011[/QUOTE]

    Check with your town to see if they have a pet friendly shelter.  I'm not leaving without our boys either.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Kitchen still in boxes with the remodel we have going on.  Could not find a battery powered radio.  Everywhere sold out.  Remembered a radio apparently everyone else has forgotten about: <strong>BB&B had a wall filled with shower radios.  Those babies run on batteries : )</strong>
    Posted by GoodLuckBear14[/QUOTE]

    Smart! Another tip I heard from a friend--when your local Wal-mart, Walgreens, CVS, etc. run out of batteries, you know where they have 'em? Gas stations. You'll probably pay a premium but most people don't think to shop there so they're well stocked.

    Thanks for the tip, Hoboken! I'll have to call the town hall tomorrow morning to find out where we can take our cat with us.
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    Thanks lls. It looks like the timing of the storm for our area won't interfere with the actual wedding and reception. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits for the rehearsal and RD. We're looking forward to a great time tomorrow.  Trying not to think about Monday and Tuesday.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks lls. It looks like the timing of the storm for our area won't interfere with the actual wedding and reception. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits for the rehearsal and RD. We're looking forward to a great time tomorrow.  Trying not to think about Monday and Tuesday.
    Posted by MairePoppy[/QUOTE]

    You're going to have a wonderful day tomorrow. Worry about the hurricane after it's over.  You can't control what's going to happen so don't let it ruin the best day of your life.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]DC folks - any idea what the likelihood of losing power to the actual city of DC (ie, not suburbs) is? I'm new to the area.  FI is convinced we'll be fine, but he's from Manhattan, and I'm not sure he's ever gone through a storm-related power outage before (I think just brown outs in the summer). El Nino in CA (15 years ago?) was pretty fun power outage wise. I think we went without power for 2.5 weeks? 
    Posted by emeejeeayen[/QUOTE]

    <div>Depending on where you are in DC, you might be okay - if you're close to the MD borders, I know they had some issues with the last storm, but places close to the govt buildings, etc, were completely fine.</div>
    I french with my man
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: East Coast Knotties- : Depending on where you are in DC, you might be okay - if you're close to the MD borders, I know they had some issues with the last storm, but places close to the govt buildings, etc, were completely fine.
    Posted by peekaboo2011[/QUOTE]

    <div>Gallery Place area? Closer to MD than to VA, though. Sigh. </div>
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: East Coast Knotties- : Gallery Place area? Closer to MD than to VA, though. Sigh. 
    Posted by emeejeeayen[/QUOTE]

    <div>Unfortunately I think that area is hit or miss.  The good news is that area should be relatively high priority, so if you do lose power, hopefully it won't be for long.</div>
    I french with my man
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Maire - I do hope you all had a lovely day today.

    Take care everyone and be safe.  You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.
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    edited October 2012
    Thank you for asking.
    The wedding ceremony and reception were beautiful. My daughter and new SIL were lovely. Much to my amazement, everybody showed up. A few guest had to leave after the ceremony to make their rescheduled flights. The rest of us stayed and celebrated until the end. The important thing-newly married couple are happily married.

    We're waiting on Sandy now, safe and sound in our homes/hotels.

    Anybody from New Jersey here? Hoboken? What's going on in New Jersey, Mid Altantic states right now?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thank you for asking. The wedding ceremony and reception were beautiful. My daughter and new SIL were lovely. Much to my amazement, everybody showed up. A few guest had to leave after the ceremony to make their rescheduled flights. The rest of us stayed and celebrated until the end. The important thing-newly married couple are happily married. <strong>We're waiting on Sandy now, safe and sound in our homes/hotels. Anybody from New Jersey here? Hoboken? What's going on in New Jersey, Mid Altantic states right now?</strong>
    Posted by MairePoppy[/QUOTE]

    Right now we are ok. I honestly think we could have gone to school today. Some flooding in areas on the Hudson is already reported. It's actually not even raining right now.  They are putting a curfew in Hoboken beginning at 4pm. No cars on the roads.  I now live in Bayonne which is a peninsula and we've had a curfew since 6 pm last night. I couldn't go out if I wanted to.  Looks like it's not going to get bad until tonight. I'm just worried about losing power, If we do looks like we'll be eating our wedding cake 4 months early.
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    Thanks for the update. My brother and his partner are heading back to Jersey City today, I think.

    My daughter is a teacher, too. They have cancelled our schools for 2 days. She was elated about that, since she was only able to get one personal day, today, after the wedding.

    Enjoy the cake if you end up eating it. That sounds very romantic.

    Good luck. Stay safe.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:8c5d1511-ad27-4aa4-9114-7541935dc65ePost:df74b67c-cbcc-4c4b-9e47-b87eb14a9364">Re: East Coast Knotties-</a>:
    [QUOTE]There are mandatory evacuations in low-lying areas in several neighboring towns. I am starting to get really scared. Has anyone ever been evacuated before? If there is a mandatory evacuation in my town, I know we will be included. We have nowhere to go because all of our family lives in places that will also be evacuated. What do I do for my cat if we have to leave? I'm not going to leave him home in the storm. Do I bring a litter box with me to where ever we have to go? I'm sure we'll end up at the town hall or one of the schools.
    Posted by Ali092011[/QUOTE]

    I ended up in my car, on the street, at fiance's job and some random people's couches. Lowest point of my life.
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