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Hey Knotties! Trying to get some advice on how you asked for guests addresses?  Is facebook tacky?
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Re: Adresses

  • We went through other family first.  Our parents had a lot of extending family addresses.  To get friends addresses we used a combination of email messages and in person asks; for a very few people we used direct messages on facebook.  I tried, generally, not to mix the wedding with facebook so if you must reach out through facebook to contact certain guests, I would only use a direct message not anything on a wall or as a general status update.

  • For family members and friends of the parents we asked each of our Mothers to contact the family members to get their addresses. 

    For our friends we just asked them in person, texted them, called them or facebook messaged them.

    If you do facebook them, make sure it is a private message and not a post on their wall so all the world can see.

  • I already had a lot for my older family members that haven't moved in years and I went through my brother and SIL for a few that I was missing since they just got married last year.

    FI's BM had all of the ones for FIs friends since the BM just got married last year as well and they have a lot of freinds in common.

    I did ask some people on FB but by private message.
  • I got my Fi's family list from his sister. She had a list she uses for Christmas cards every year.

    My Mom's side of the family I got through my mom, and calling my grandpa for ones I didn't have.

    I facebooked my Dad's relatives through a private message, since all live out of state and we dont see eachother very often.
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  • I went through family first, then used phone calls or text, and only used FB private messages as a last resort for a few cousins who were being invited to keep the peace in the family, but who I don't really know well enough to have their phone number.
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  • Hey fellow virgo!  My bday is Saturday.  Like PPs said there is usually someone on each side of the family, or several people (grandparent, aunt, mom or dad) who has most people's info.  Definitely start there and work your way down the list through contacts.  I texted quite a few friends since my family wouldn't have their info.  When they texted  back it was good because I didn't lose it if I wasn't near my master Excel list when I was asking.
  • FB should only be used as a last resort. I contacted people by phone, email and text.
    Luckily we didn't have to use FB to contact anyone.
    Even if you have to ask a friend of a friend of a friend....that's sooo much better than messaging them on FB imo.
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  • Definitely ask family first, and fill in the holes later.
    My brother got married last year, so our side was easy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Adresses</a>:
    [QUOTE]FB should only be used as a last resort. I contacted people by phone, email and text. Luckily we didn't have to use FB to contact anyone. Even if you have to ask a friend of a friend of a friend....<strong>that's sooo much better than messaging them on FB imo</strong>.
    Posted by mrsbiss2be[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I don't agree with this, at all. I don't really see how using Facebook's private message function is so different from e-mail or text message. We got probably half of our address list from Facebook in some way. My mom already had the addresses for her family and her and her husband's friends, my paternal grandmother took care of most of the relatives on my dad's side and my dad gave me his friends' addresses, but almost all of my and my FI's friends' addresses came from Facebook. We didn't put it up on our walls, but we sent out private messages (individual, we didn't create mailing lists) asking for addresses. A lot of our friends move a good bit, so it's easier to keep in touch on there (I've had 5 people change addresses in between getting their STD and me sending invitations). Plus, my FILs were less than helpful (downright created obstacles) for me to get their family or family friends' addresses (not because there's bad blood, FMIL is just determined to be as un-helpful as she can be). And FI doesn't have anyone's phone number, so I Facebook friended his aunt and she sent me everyone's address. Without Facebook, my FI would have exactly one family member's address. </div><div>
    </div><div>So, short story, Facebook is fine. Just send out individual private messages to the people that you need stuff from. Some people check Facebook more often than they do e-mail. </div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:ffb46c18-23b7-4ee2-8ac3-48964335bbb7Post:e5928ae0-2a47-4284-a679-b7e01966cd69">Re: Adresses</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Adresses : I don't agree with this, at all. I don't really see how using Facebook's private message function is so different from e-mail or text message. We got probably half of our address list from Facebook in some way. My mom already had the addresses for her family and her and her husband's friends, my paternal grandmother took care of most of the relatives on my dad's side and my dad gave me his friends' addresses, but almost all of my and my FI's friends' addresses came from Facebook. We didn't put it up on our walls, but we sent out private messages (individual, we didn't create mailing lists) asking for addresses. A lot of our friends move a good bit, so it's easier to keep in touch on there (I've had 5 people change addresses in between getting their STD and me sending invitations). Plus, my FILs were less than helpful (downright created obstacles) for me to get their family or family friends' addresses (not because there's bad blood, FMIL is just determined to be as un-helpful as she can be). And FI doesn't have anyone's phone number, so I Facebook friended his aunt and she sent me everyone's address. Without Facebook, my FI would have exactly one family member's address.  So, short story, Facebook is fine. Just send out individual private messages to the people that you need stuff from. Some people check Facebook more often than they do e-mail. 
    Posted by divinemsbee[/QUOTE]

    It's a matter of Opinion....a majority of people find that FB is not the place to do wedding planning. If you found it was good enough for you then so be it! I think there are much better options than FB!
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  • Am getting addresses right now too. My mom is getting with my grandma's and getting addresses and calling other family members. For my Fi family he has yet to give me names so not starting on them yet need to talk to his mom. I am messageing people on FB but only by private messages. And its only for soroity sisters that i havent seen in a while. I'm not putting anything up on my status simpley because i dont want to start this why am i not invited crap. Alot of people dont even know we set a date and i plan on keeping it that way for another four months untill the save the dates are sent out. 
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