Attire & Accessories Forum

Nose ring?

Can I ask a bridesmaid not to wear her nose ring to my wedding?

Re: Nose ring?

  • No.  If you can accept her with a nose ring any other time then you should be able to accept her with a nose ring on your wedding day.

  • No, you asked people to be in your WP because you cherish them and the role they have in your lives, piercings, tattoos and all.

    The only way I could see asking a BM to cover up was if they had a giant tattoo of something very anti-religous and the wedding was in a church. I would proabaly ask them to wear a bolero in that case - but just for the ceremony.
  • Only if she asks your preference on the subject, which she probably won't because she probably got the piercing because she likes it!
  • I agree with all of you!!!  My mother is the one with the issue.  She is helping me pay for the wedding, so I wanted to have backup when the subject came up again. 
  • It's such a minor thing it's not worth the fight. My sister wore hers and it's no big deal. She's a broker on Wall street and wears it to work everyday so I figured if they don't have a problem with it neither should I.
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  • I assume your mom's objection is based on personal taste, but there are some faiths that object to body piercing and even ear piercing.  If your mother is concerned about the protocol for a house of worship in which you are being married or even if this is only her religious perspective, I could see politely explaining that to your BM.  If I were the BM, I'd forgo my sense of style for your day (or in the very least the ceremony) in order not to cause offense.  Even if no one involved is Mennonite, etc., I wouldn't consider that request to be much different than mentioning your preferences for hair, make-up, or nail polish.  (We've all seen weddings where the BMs had matching manicures and updos.)  I think a bride crosses the line when she starts issuing orders.
    "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!" (Isaiah 43:1)
  • I agree with everyone, the only circumstances you could possibly say anything is if she brings it up first.  Please keep in mind that most facial piercings are in danger of permenantly closing within hours of being removed.  She would be potentially facing the cost of re-peircing, worst-case-scenarios such as infection, rejection of the new peircing, etc.

    Too much drama over such a small thing, you don't deserve that much extra stress on your wedding day.  Sip some champaign with your mom so you both can relax and kick your shoes off :).
    Don't make me mobilize OffensiveKitten



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