Attire & Accessories Forum

Cost of Jewelry

Hi girls!

I'm getting married in October and have been looking around for earrings and a bracelet.  I've found a few things I like on Etsy.  The bracelet is $85 and the earrings are $35.  Maybe I'm being cheap, but I feel that's expensive for jewelry that isn't even "real."  Any thoughts or suggestions of where else to look?  Thanks!

Re: Cost of Jewelry

  • You can find a lot of great deals on ebay, especially on vintage pieces. But it's pretty hit-or-miss.
  • im cheap too. i got my bracelet at macys for $40 (i thought that was expensive) and my earrings at a small shop like claires. they were $18. i found beautiful stuff at target for my bridesmaids too! shop around, you can save money in that department for sure!
  • Try - they have a ton of stuff, all reasonably priced.

  • I'm planning on accessorizing in a different way than jewelry. I'm skipping the necklace, wearing a white flower in my hair (might do CZ studs with it, but I definitely want something understated), and instead of a bracelet, I got some $13 fingerless white lace gloves on etsy.

    My dress is short and my wedding is going to be casual, so I didn't want to spend a lot on jewelry :)
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  • Do you have pictures of the jewelry you were looking at? Maybe we can find some items similar that do not cost as much.
  • I know I'm late here, but just in case you haven't gotten the jewelry yet- I hosted a Lia Sophia jewelry party ( With all the hostess bonuses & discounts, I managed to get necklaces for 5 bridesmaids and the flower girl, plus 4 pieces for myself (3 necklaces and a bracelet - obviously not just for the wedding), for $101 total.

    If you're not familiar with Lia Sophia, they sell through home parties like a Tupperware or Pampered Chef party. You have a handful of people over, the advisor brings jewelry and gives her little speech and might hosts games, you & the guests look through the catalogs and try on the sample pieces, and those who wish to buy place orders. You get free/discounted jewelry just for hosting, and then the more your friends buy, the more free jewelry you get. (At full retail price the jewelry I got would've cost nearly $500). All of the jewelry gets shipped to you, you ooh and ah over all of it before delivering your friends' orders to them, and you keep what you ordered for yourself :-)
  • The only jewelry I wore was a pair of long vintage rhinestone earrings I got on eBay for $7.  I did a henna bracelet instead of a jeweled one (which a friend did for free), and my dress had a high collar so no necklace was necessary.

    Just keep looking.  eBay can be pretty hit or miss, but chances are good you'll find something eventually.  Also, check Claire's/Icing, their stuff looks pretty and is usually quite cheap.
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    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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