So my mom has asked me if I would consider wearing her wedding gown. I'm not 100% thrilled with the idea as I can't find any full pictures of it but I have agreed to try it on when I am ready to start trying on gowns and we'll see if it would work for me. I was wondering if anyone else has done this and how it worked for them. I love the idea of wearing her gown, but I'm not 100% in love with the look and I know that my feelings on that might change and I might find that the look I thought I wanted just doesn't work but I'm hoping to hear some stories of how other gals have dealt with similar situations.
Right now my thought is to try it on with an open mind and see if I really do like it and if something doesn't work talk to my mom about having elements modified to work for me. We already talked about me not wearing her headpeice as it just doesn't work for my hair or style but I didn't want to bring too much up about the gown until I'd seen it and tried it on....
So yeah feedback/stories please!