I looove my dress that I ordered yesterday, but there is one thing I'm considering having changed. The salon is going to fax in the order tomorrow, so I should probably call them in the morning if I want to do this so that they can see whether it can be done by the designer (although a seamstress could do this easily enough). I am considering having the bow/sash on my dress removed and replacing it with a little bit wider chocolate brown satin sash to match my bridesmaid dresses/wedding colors. I might or might not use the brooch, but that's something I can decide later and see how it looks. Here is a picture (not mine) of the way that the bodice of the dress looks as it is now (except that I am having the lace changed so that it is a straight line across the bust with no scalloping). The way that the sash is kind of bunched up drives me nuts. I also don't love the bow. [img]
http://tinyurl.com/leyt3j[/img] I am thinking about changing the sash to be this color: [img]
http://tinyurl.com/n2hhhb[/img] Except about this size and without the bow: [img]
http://tinyurl.com/m33ysu[/img] So, WDYT?