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PSA: David's Bridal Credit Card

I never post over here but I thought I would let you know of my horrible experience with DB's credit card!When you go to DBs they offer you their credit card to put your dress on (and yes i know you shouldn't really charge anything for your wedding). Their deal is 1 year of no payments, no interest. Today my one year rolled around, I went to pay it with another credit card that has a lower interest rate (DB's interest rate is 26%). Now I was aware that I would have to pay the whole year of interest if I didn't pay it off in a year, but was never told that the cc must be paid off by check, cash or money order ONLY. Now I have to pay almost $300 in interest. Oh and my payment is due today, but they don't process payments on I have to pay the day late fee as well. Ugh. So just a warning: don't use DBs credit card. or if you do, pay it off over the year. end vent.
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Re: PSA: David's Bridal Credit Card

  • This isn't DB's fault, it's yours for not reading your credit agreement.  Also, it's pretty common knowledge that financial institutions do not process payments on Sundays.
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  • Yes I realize this. I'm just letting other brides know in case they used the card and are waiting to pay it off like I did and don't know about the policy. I called the store today and their manager was unaware of the payment policy regarding paying by cash, check or money order. Seems like something their staff should know about and let you know about it when you sign up.
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  • Sorry that you had to go through this. I worked in a retail store that also had their own credit cards. You cannot pay a credit card off with another. It is called 'kiting'. DB should've made you aware of this, but this usually only comes up when making the payment, unfortunately.
  • You can't pay one credit card debt with another anymore, and it's really bad for your finances. What you are in essence doing is shifting debt, credit card companies have gotten wind to that, they lost business and revenue and decided not to do it anymore. The only way you can do that now is if you open a new credit card and they give you checks attached to your card to pay off old debt and transfer it to your new card.Sorry that happened to you.
  • I'm sorry this happened, but this is an expensive lesson to learn about paying attention to cc agreements and the no payments no interest plans.  Not paying one cc with another has been a fairly common thing for quite a while.  Why didn't you just make monthly payments on the dress, or make payments to a savings account so you'd be sure to have the money in time to pay it off?
  • $300 in interest? My dress cost $300. Way too much interest on a dress.
  • And my question is, why after a whole year of having the dress on credit were you not able to save up the money to pay for it outright in cash at the end of the 12th month? Their most expensive dresses are $1,200 so saving $100 a month would have paid for it. And seeing as how you put it on credit, I would hope that you took the route I did and bought something less than $500.
  • well the cc is actually in my mom's name. she was planning on paying it off over the year. shortly after the dress was purchased, my parents are getting divorced therefore money is really tight right now and putting it on another credit card is her only option. she bought the dress for me and now i feel awful. i'm just looking out for other brides who used the card so this won't happen to them.
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  • You were just trying to help should NOT have to explain your finances or reasoning, to anyone on here. I may not agree with the cc thing...but it's not my place to criticize you. JM 2cents.
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  • thank you bridesrighthand!
    My Chart
    DX PCOS 2002 @ age 14
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