Attire & Accessories Forum

Hade the dress made?

Has anyone had their dress made for them? I've found two dresses that I love parts of (Casablanca 1831 and Alfred Angelo 2070) and would love to find a way to combine the parts into on super dress. But no idea how to go about finding someone to do that. I'm in the San Diego area.Anyone had experience with that? Or if you've had one of the people from China who say they'll make replicas of a dress to your measurements - can you tell me about your experience? Seems sketchy, but maybe they can pull off the blend...Thanks for your help!

Re: Hade the dress made?

  • I had my dress custom made. Two pieces - jacket and dress. Pictures in bio below. I used a local seamstress, so I can't offer any first-hand knowledge of the China dresses... But I have heard that the material they use may not be of the best quality.
  • casablanca will custom do anything change the skirt take off sleeves etc. maybe try finding a casablanca that has the part of the second dress that you like or ask them to create the part that you like. they are great about custom stuff. just a thought might be safer than china. on the other hand my friend getting married this week had hers made for under $200 and is happy with it, but i havent seen it yet.
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