New Hampshire

Name Change Help!


I need everyone's help on how I go about changing my name after the wedding.  What do I do, where do I go?

I will be taking my husband's last name but what does my middle name change to?  Does it automatically change to your maiden name?  Do you have a choice?  Is one way automatic and you have to pay extra to have it another way?

I believe i go to the dmv office to change my name there but I can't believe that would be all for a legal name change.  Do I change my social security card?

Any help with a lot of detail would be great.

Thank you,

Re: Name Change Help!

  • edited December 2011

    If you haven't already, apply for your marriage license at your local town hall.  They give you a form to fill in with your officiant that you mail back to your town hall after your ceremony (make sure it's mailed as soon as possible after your ceremony).

    About 8 days after your wedding you should be able to go to your town hall and pick up your marriage certificate.

    Bring this certificate to the Social Security Office (just google the one close to you). There's a form on line you can fill out ahead of time or just get one in the office.  You'll get a new SS card in a few weeks and you can use that to change your passport.

    To change your drivers license bring your certificate to the DMV AFTER you've already gone to SS office.  They should be able to get you a new license on the spot.

    The SS office would change my middle name to whatever I wanted (in my case my maiden name and I dropped my old middle name completely).  
    The DMV would ONLY let me keep the middle initial on my birth certificate (they only use the initial) and replace my last name with my husband's.  To do anything else would require a court order. (which is easy to get but since it's just the initial and only on DMV records - I left it alone).

    Then you can change everything else (bank, credit cards, car title)

  • rachael898rachael898 member
    edited December 2011

    Thank you thank you thank you!
  • rachael898rachael898 member
    edited December 2011
    also, what is the cost associated with it?
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:101Discussion:193ae09d-57d4-4fe9-95c1-a500f290124cPost:96bbf570-3659-4608-a303-28a35cf26acc">Re: Name Change Help!</a>:
    [QUOTE]also, what is the cost associated with it?
    Posted by rachael898[/QUOTE]

    Official copies of your certificate are like $8 each at the Town Hall (we got three official copies so we could mail them around).  Otherwise there should be no cost unless you go to court to do something funky with your name.
  • rachael898rachael898 member
    edited December 2011
    thank you, you rock!
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