Hi all :-)
So I have ordered my dress, and am in love with it, I am having the train lengthened (2 extra feet) so it will be about 3.5 ft total, and then I am also adding some simple rouched straps, but now, I cannt find a veil that I like anywhere....
I know that I want a blusher, it's very important to my mom that I have one, but I have NO idea what length it should be. I also feel like maybe some beading or bling around the endging might be nice since it would tie in the beading under my bust...
Help! Any suggestions on length or anything else that might make this easier for me?

<-- my dress

<-- my straps

<-- my straps version 2
(I cut off my head from the dress photo because I look like a mess!)
YEARS*MONTHS*WEEKS*DAYS*HOURS*MINUTES*SECONDS The time flies by so quickly when he's by my side. Counting the time as it passes until my forever begins.