Hi all...
My dress just came in and I am really second-guessing it. It was the third dress I tried on (though I did try on others after that), and, I think because we have a semi-quick engagement (six months), I pushed myself to make a decision. When I tried the dress on, I loved it and was super comfortable-- but now that it's purchased, I'm having a lot of second thoughts and I keep thinking about one of the other dresses I tried on. (It doesn't help that my fiance and I were at a wedding this weekend and he made a comment about how much he likes strapless dresses-- which mine is not-- oops!!) My mom, MOH, and one of my bridesmaids (the three who went with me to shop) all think the dress I picked is perfect for me-- but I guess I'm just not 100% "sold" on it. I kind of feel like it's lacking something... but, with the design of the dress, I can't add a sash or anything. Is this second-guessing thing normal? How did you guys get past it? It's driving me CRAZY! ... I just want it all to be perfect!