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second guessing...

Hi all...
My dress just came in and I am really second-guessing it. It was the third dress I tried on (though I did try on others after that), and, I think because we have a semi-quick engagement (six months), I pushed myself to make a decision. When I tried the dress on, I loved it and was super comfortable-- but now that it's purchased, I'm having a lot of second thoughts and I keep thinking about one of the other dresses I tried on. (It doesn't help that my fiance and I were at a wedding this weekend and he made a comment about how much he likes strapless dresses-- which mine is not-- oops!!) My mom, MOH, and one of my bridesmaids (the three who went with me to shop) all think the dress I picked is perfect for me-- but I guess I'm just not 100% "sold" on it. I kind of feel like it's lacking something... but, with the design of the dress, I can't add a sash or anything. Is this second-guessing thing normal? How did you guys get past it? It's driving me CRAZY! ... I just want it all to be perfect!
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Re: second guessing...

  • Much of what you're feeling is probably just anxiety. If your mom, MOH and bridesmaids all love it for you, it probably IS awesome and you look great in it. 

    Find a great veil or headpiece you like and some fabulous jewelry. Even some great shoes. All of these things will likely help you put the whole ensemble together and a cohesive "piece." It will probably also help you feel much better about the dress.

    Its totally normal to second guess yourself. Just remember the initial feeling you had in the dress. If you loved it and felt great in it, you will probably feel that same way after reassuring yourself. 
    You will be beautiful :)
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  • Just because he likes strapless dresses doesn't mean he won't love you in the dress you picked out. He won't see anything but the beautiful glow of you walking towards him!! I know it sounds cliche and hokey, but it's true.

    Anxiety and 2nd guessing is always gonna be there...especially when it's something big like this. Don't worry, chill and relax, and maybe try on the dress and some makeup/hair wedding-ish without looking in the mirror (have mom and MOH help you) and then turn and look and be wowed all over again at how much it is the right dress :D
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  • Omg, you sound just like me after I got MY dress in too! Lol! It'll be okay. Do what I did if you have to...take the dress back to where you bought it from and tell them how you're feeling about it. They should be able to get you back into the dress so you can see yourself in it again and remember what made you like the dress in the first place. And what the PP said, play around with different veils/head pieces and see what goes best with it, what's going to give you that "omg, I LOVE it!" moment :) Good luck!
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  • It's totally normal because picking "the dress" is such a big part of planning. It feels weird to be done, and lots of brides have moments of doubt when they wonder if there's something better out there. As someone who worked in the industry, I can tell you that there isn't!

    You picked this dress for a reason, and PPs are right - your FI won't even remember that he said he liked strapless dresses. Once he sees you, all he will be thinking about is how beautiful you are.

    If you're worried that the dress is too plain, jewellery and a veil with beading or lace would compliment a dress with less beading/lace.
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  • I'm sure what you're experiencing is normal :)  This is the most important dress of your life and of course you want it to be perfect, but I would say to focus on how you remember feeling when you first fell in love with it.  You obviously bought it for a reason and you must have really loved it if you chose this dress over all the others (even if you only tried on 3 before this one, I mean you could have kept on going so there must have been something super special about this one to make you stop there).
    Just try to focus on the feelings you had for it and trust yourself.
    On the day of your wedding, with your veil/headpiece, hair, makeup, ect. you will see the whole "package" and I am sure you will not regret your choice.
    My MOH told me, "even with the worst case scenario, if FI hates your dress and even if everyone hates your dress, in the end he is still going to marry you and you will still have a beautiful life together, regardless of the dress.  It's not what is most important.  Your love for each other is what's most important". 
    And I KNOW he will not hate your dress at all - every bride is beautiful as long as she feels that way :)
  • I was second quessing a lot!  But then I got to try on my dress again.  And I fell back in love!!!!!  I know it's "The Dress"
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