Attire & Accessories Forum

Strapless bra to avoid armpit fat?

One of my biggest pet peeves is that bulge of flesh that seems to gather on top of strapless dresses.  I've been working out and trying some new exercises to try to minimize it... but it's still there.  

I keep reading that a proper strapless bra will destroy my enemy for me...but no one volunteers which brands or styles to try.  I've been a VS wearer most of my life and I don't even know where to begin looking for other quality brands.  Any suggestions?  TIA.
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Re: Strapless bra to avoid armpit fat?

  • I'm gonna lurk here and hopefully someone has suggestions!  I've lost 120 lbs and I have that ridge of flop too.  I was wondering if anything would help it. 

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  • I would go to a non VS lingerie boutique and have a proper fitting and have a sales associate help you pick one out. Chances are you're wearing the wrong size if you're getting armpit cleavage.
  • Everyone has that armpit skin. It's skin. It's an area that we have a little more skin because it has to be able to stretche when you reach or things. 
    To avoid it, you need to get a properly fitted bra. VS won't help you there (as achiduck mentioned) 
    I have had enormous luck with Maidenform (found at places like Macys, Nordys, it's own stores, etc). Mine was fitted properly at a department store so I have no side arm "fat" 

    GL op! 
  • I ordered quite a few from and found one I really like.  They have a ton of longline bras (and regular ones) to choose from.
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