Attire & Accessories Forum

Help! Sample Dress - Now what?

I bought a beautiful Vera Wang dress at the Running of the Brides back in February (score!), although I'm not getting married until November 2011.  The dress needs to be altered (it's a size 10; I probably need ito bring it down to a 4), and it could use a cleaning.  I know I don't need to do the alterations for awhile, but should I get the dress cleaned ASAP, or wait until alteration time?  Anyone else in the same boat?


Re: Help! Sample Dress - Now what?

  • Congrats on finding a dress! I'd go ahead and get it cleaned--it'll be easier for any new stains (the dresses get a little manhandled at the Running, in my experience) to be removed sooner rather than later.
  • Yes, get it cleaned now. The sooner the better. As far as the alterations go, you can wait until about 6 mos before your wedding or so to start those.
  • Definately have it cleaned now a nd packaged.  Then wait to go to a seamstress 4-6 months before the wedding.
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