I guess I'm looking for more honest opinions since I have 2 days before I know my "fate" . I went last monday to rk in nyc, and I brought my best friend. My instinct was to go alone, since my family and friends think they know me, they don't, so I wanted a ballgown, and brough a list with me, but they only had 2 of the 10 that I had on my list. My friend got married last year, and she wanted a ball gown but was too small to look good in them and got a mermaid. So, long story short, I tried on 12 mermaids and 2 ballgowns, and didn't feel great about most of the dresses. I tried on ONE dress that was 26 dollars (yes, 26 that isn't a typo) over my budget .and decided that even though that was the best, I wasn't going to go over, and I picked a stupid mermaid dress. my friend and the consultant loved it. When I look at it now, a week later HATE, loathing even. So what it was 400 under budget, this wedding is costing a fortune anyway! So after a week, when reality set in I decided I needed to call the shop. So I did that this morning, and they were sympathetic, the order was already placed so they needed to call the designer but they were CLOSED for Rosh hashana , so I have to wait until WEDNESDAY. My wedding is NEXT september, so I have over a year to hate this dress if they can't change it. I am even willing to change it within the designer just to avoid having this dress. Really, I want the other dress I tried, which isn't the same designer, so I know it's highly unlikely. Has anyone had this experience? Why on earth don't they wait a week to place orders? my wedding isn't for a year, the dress is suppose to come in in January, my fittings aren't until July! I'm considering what I will do If I have to gt this dress, Perhaps Sell it immediately and then have a yard sale to make up the difference

Then I can get my real dress

Any advice?