New Hampshire

WTF Friday

Time to let it out!

Happy Friday Ladies!  Laughing
Anniversary Buying A Home

Re: WTF Friday

  • edited December 2011
    WTF self!  Why have you been such a grouch lately?  Your poor FI is the one who has to put up with you!  And stop eating all those extra snacks.  Your just negating your exercise!

    WTF UMaine!  Why could we not just have one snow day this past Wed.?  The roads and the sidewalks sucked and you really haven't done anything to improve this situation the past couple of days.  Where does that tuition money I pay go anyway?

    Anniversary Buying A Home
  • Starfish724Starfish724 member
    edited December 2011
    WTF cold- why did you have to hit today, right before the weekend?! Now I feel like crap and I have a training this afternoon. You better clear up by the end of the day, I brought an extra orange to combat you!!

    Happy Friday!
  • EDK2010EDK2010 member
    edited December 2011
    WTF guy from Bed, Bath and Beyond that we registered with! You totally made up stuff when we registered with you! The fact is that US residents can't have gifts shipped to Canada and you told us that they could just call the 1-800 number and override the website, this was so fabricated! You failed to tell us that you don't have distribution centers in Canada so all gifts get shipped from the US, with US shipping charges and if it's over $100 item we have to pay tax on it!!!! So my Grandmother who spent over 2 hours on your website and on the phone can't have something shipped to me in Edmonton, so I don't have to bring everything from my Shower back on the plane, unless she pays over $40 in shipping! Since my Shower invites already went out last week, my Mom has been filtering phone calls about this all week!! After we called you in a panic and you promised us something could be done, we find out you really aren't as powerful as you think and can't do a damn thing for us! At least the store in Portsmouth is fabulous and is trying to figure out how to take care of shipping charges for us! We even had to register at a different Canadian store last minute so that people could order things online for us! I am not impressed with you guy from BBB Edmonton, you stink!

    * That felt good I was going to post a vent on this anyway!
    TTC #1 Since July 2011
    BFP #1 2/28/12- 3/3/12 CP at 4w3d
    BFP #2 4/1/12- 5/7/12 Missed M/C at 8w4d (measuring 6w3d)
    TTC on hold until December
  • edited December 2011
    WTF, I am totally broken out, stressed, broke, sick of living in stupid snowy CA, and I want to be on my honeymoon now!  WTF, why can't I afford the honeymoon of my dreams?  Son of a...
  • edited December 2011
    WTF Sinuses why must you always be infected? Just get better will ya?!?!
  • edited December 2011
    WTF TD Bank...There were 2 ATM withdrawals from my checking account, for $400, at the SAME TIME in two different STATES!!! And you tell me that its not considered suspicious activity because its "local"? When it happened 3 times? CT is NOT local, and if you look at my history, you would see that was VERY abnormal behavior! I hope the investigation doesn't take long, and I get all the fee's rebated to me, if not I am closing all the accounts sooner than I was going too. I am NOT banking with you after I am married, your security SUCKS!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    arez 16--my cc # was stolen somehow when i had td bank north and within a couple of days, there investigation was done and my money was back in my account--i hope you have the same luck i did!  good luck, that is such a crappy thing to go through!
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