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What should our guys wear? :-)

Hi ladies,

     Our wedding will be here before we know it (July 14), and I need some advice on what my groom and his groomsmen should wear. I suppose our wedding is considered semi-casual; I'm wearing a traditional gown with a train, and it is being held in a church. However, the reception will be pretty laid back, and the ceremony is at 3:00 p.m. Now, I am not exactly familiar with what is technically "ok" for our type of wedding. I am perfectly fine with the guys wearing nice dress pants, a dress shirt, and tie (somehow incorporating our colors in there, which are black and purple?). I want everyone to look nice, but definately want to put the guys' comfort first, being a July wedding.
     Any input or suggestions would kindly be appreciated! Thank you!

Re: What should our guys wear? :-)

  • Does your FI have an opinion on what he wants to wear?  I'd tell him the colors he needs to incorporate and then let him pick.  :)
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  • He is one of those guys that wants me to pick! If I could just get it narrowed down, say, if it is acceptable for them to wear a nice dress shirt and tie, then maybe he and they guys would finally go do some shopping lol.

  • I hear you on that.  My FI was similar.  He wanted to pick the final choice but wanted me to narrow it down for him to about 3 options.

    I think that what you are describing sounds great.  Slacks, dress shirt, and a tie should be great.  Personally, I really like the look of a vest on top of that (no jacket) but I know not everyone likes that, so it's a matter of personal preference.  I think it looks sharp.  And that's a nice way to incorporate color for the guys.
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  • Thank you so much! :-)
  • I have a June wedding, and my colors are the same. We decided that the groomsmen all wear black pants, black jacket, and purple tie, or bowtie, doesnt need to match. To be totally honest, once your ceremony is over, that jackets coming off, so they should be fine when that time comes. Good luck!
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