My engagement ring is a pretty unique setting. Here's a picture of the setting without the stone (my stone is round cut):
When shopping for wedding rings, I didn't really care for the look of another band next to it because of the two bands on the engagement ring. I felt like it kind of took away from the look. I also decided I wanted to get something more interesting for the wedding band and to wear them on different hands. Here's what we got for the wedding band:,6,shop,toprings,crings,enchantedlotusrings,j1fk02z00w
It's not as big as it looks in the picture...much more delicate looking. I know that wearing the two rings on different hands is becoming more common, but do I wear the wedding ring on my left hand and the engagement ring on the right or vice versa? The salesman at DeBeers didn't know. Both rings fit on both hands so that's not an issue.