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wedding ring and engagement ring on different hands?

My engagement ring is a pretty unique setting. Here's a picture of the setting without the stone (my stone is round cut):

When shopping for wedding rings, I didn't really care for the look of another band next to it because of the two bands on the engagement ring. I felt like it kind of took away from the look. I also decided I wanted to get something more interesting for the wedding band and to wear them on different hands. Here's what we got for the wedding band:,6,shop,toprings,crings,enchantedlotusrings,j1fk02z00w

It's not as big as it looks in the picture...much more delicate looking. I know that wearing the two rings on different hands is becoming more common, but do I wear the wedding ring on my left hand and the engagement ring on the right or vice versa? The salesman at DeBeers didn't know. Both rings fit on both hands so that's not an issue.

Re: wedding ring and engagement ring on different hands?

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    Plenty of ladies wear their rings on different hands. It's just fine, though you might get some questions about when you're getting married if you wear your wedding band on your right hand. But that's not a big deal.
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    It was a little hard to read your post bc some of it is off of the page, but I think I can make out most of it.

    I know there are other cultures that do exactly that. Your e-ring almost looks like it could "pass" as the whole complete set. I think getting a seperate band would be just fine. But either way you go, definitely explore your options and talk to a jeweler if needed to find what you are looking for.
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    I agree with pp, it's not unheard of to wear your e-ring on your right hand and your band on your left.  Have you seen Bethany Getting Married?  She does this and it looks just fine.
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    I've had to contemplate this for myself, just b/c of my setting as well. I would probably end up wearing my wedding ring on my right though, just b/c  I'm so used to seeing the e-ring on the left hand. I'm typing this with the e-ring on my right just to check it out and it is super weird, haha.
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    For what it's worth, I see plenty of women wearing their engagement rings on their right ring fingers, wedding bands on their left (unless cultural traditions or simple preferences dictate otherwise).
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    Ahh thanks for asking this question! I'm getting married in a few weeks and trying to figure out the same thing. My e-ring is kind of like yours, it's double banded, but my bands intersect each other at the center stone kind of like >0< so no wedding band is really fitting with mine either and it's like that extra band throws of the balance of the setting. . I  feel like the bands that bend leave a big gap that the jewelers try to tell me it's fine, but it drives me crazy. I was just planning on using the wedding band for the wedding and as an extra ring when I'm doing something that would be better to do without a bigger diamond getting caught on stuff. But I'm loving the idea of wearing the band or the e-ring on a different finger and getting to show off both beautiful rings!
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    My wedding band is quite thick and a different color gold.  I am definitely wearing the engagement ring on the other hand.
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