My second wedding is over a year away, but I have been looking at gowns now. In my searching, I see that there are a lot of overseas companies that make a replica of most designer gowns. However, while looking at Jasmine's site today, they have a link entitled "order online" where someone wrote in that they sent to a company in China and was sadly disapppointed. Jasmine's site showed many pictures of the replica against the real thing. It is sad to say the least.
Now, money is tight for just about everyone. The prices of the gowns I like are way more than I am willing to spend on a second wedding gown. However, the overseas companies have prices that I could live with. But being somewhat of a seamstress myself, I am picky when it comes to somebody sewing a garment for me. If my gown comes back looking cheaply made, I will be pissed.
Does anyone have any good or horror stories?